The Idea of America


  1. Unit Guide
  1. Rationale and Objectives
  2. Content
  3. Strategies
  4. Activities
  5. Appendices
  6. Student Resources
  7. Implementing Standards
  8. Annotated Bibliography
  9. Notes

Exporting the Idea of America

Amanda Joy Hatcher

Published September 2011

Tools for this Unit:

Implementing Standards

Georgia Performance Standards

SSWH18 The student will demonstrate an understanding of the global political, economic, and social impact of World War II.

c. Explain the military and diplomatic negotiations between the leaders of Great Britain (Churchill), the Soviet Union (Stalin), and the United States (Roosevelt/Truman) from Teheran to Yalta and Potsdam and the impact on the nations of Eastern Europe.

d. Explain allied Post-World War II policies; include formation of the United Nations, the Marshall Plan for Europe, and MacArthur's plan for Japan.

SSWH19 The student will demonstrate an understanding of the global social, economic, and political impact of the Cold War and decolonization from 1945 to 1989.

a. Analyze the revolutionary movements in India (Gandhi, Nehru), China (Mao Zedong, Chiang Kai-shek), and Ghana (Kwame Nkrumah).

b. Describe the formation of the state of Israel and the importance of geography in its development.

e. Analyze efforts in the pursuit of freedom; include anti-apartheid, Tiananmen Square, and the fall of the Berlin Wall.

SSWH20 The student will examine change and continuity in the world since the 1960s.

a. Identify ethnic conflicts and new nationalisms; include pan-Africanism, pan- Arabism, and the conflicts in Bosnia-Herzegovina and Rwanda.

b. Describe the breakup of the Soviet Union in 1991 that produced independent countries; include Ukraine, Kazakhstan, and the Baltic States.

c. Analyze terrorism as a form of warfare in the 20th century; include Shining Path, Red Brigade, Hamas, and Al Qaeda; and analyze the impact of terrorism on daily life; include travel, world energy supplies, and financial markets.

SSWH21 The student will analyze globalization in the contemporary world.

a. Describe the cultural and intellectual integration of countries into the world economy through the development of television, satellites, and computers.

b. Analyze global economic and political connections; include multinational corporations, the United Nations, OPEC, and the World Trade Organization.

c. Explain how governments cooperate through treaties and organizations, to minimize the negative effects of human actions on the environment.

College Board Advanced Placement World History Themes and Key Concepts

Theme 2: Development and Interaction of Cultures

Theme 3: State-Building, Expansion, and Conflict

Theme 4: Creation, Expansion, and Economic Systems

Period 6: Accelerating Global Change and Realignments, c. 1900 to the Present

Key Concept 6.2 Global Conflicts and Their Consequences

Key concept 6.3 New Conceptualizations of Global Economy, Society and Culture


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