Setting the Stage: the Numbers, the School, and Theatrical Culture
Middletown High School is part of Appoquinimink School District, the fastest growing school district in the State of Delaware, according to the district website. 3 The growing student population at Middletown consists of grades 9-12 in the primarily suburban to rural regions of Middletown, Odessa, Townsend, and Bear, Delaware. As of 2008, the addition of a second high school to our district has alleviated the overpopulation problems at Middletown; however, district estimates put schools at full capacity once more by 2015. This growth presents problems to many classes in our school, especially drama classes, which require space for rehearsal and practical work uninhibited by desks and other classroom furniture. Thus, I design my units with the knowledge that class sizes may drastically change from under twenty students to above thirty students within a short period of time. This unit aims for the former but can be adapted depending upon space and class size.
According to the National Center for Educational Statistics and Common Core Data, Middletown serves 1430 students, approximately 67% White, 25% Black, 4% Hispanic, 4% Asian/Pacific Islander and smaller than 1% American Indian. Of this population, approximately 17% are free or reduced-price lunch eligible. 4
Over the past twenty years, Middletown High School has developed a performing arts program that has grown from single drama classes to a fully articulated curriculum that includes four levels of acting courses, 2 levels of stage craft, and a newly created musical theatre performance class. All of these classes are practically engaged with theatrical production, developing skills that are supported by two after-school programs. In the Fall Middletown auditions a play where cast sizes are smaller and special focus is given to acting growth. In the Spring Middletown produces one of the largest theatrical productions in the state of Delaware with its spring musical. These ambitious shows place over 100 students on a single stage, dancing, singing, acting, moving set pieces, and flying drops for a two week run. Spring 2012 will be the 22 nd consecutive musical season performed at Middletown. With a deep history backed by an ever-growing interest in the performing arts, the Spring Musical is one of the most well established programs in Middletown High School. I currently serve as a Spanish and Drama teacher at Middletown. In addition to teaching level I courses in Spanish and Drama, also I am co-director of our Fall play, Dramatic director of our Spring Musical, and Director of Puppetry in Education, an educational outreach program where high school students perform puppetry shows for elementary students.