Chemistry of Everyday Things


  1. Unit Guide
  1. Overview
  2. Rationale
  3. Background
  4. Objectives
  5. Strategies and Activities
  6. Bibliography for Teachers
  7. Endnotes
  8. Appendix 1
  9. Appendix 2

Materials for the Future

Sally J. Martin

Published September 2011

Tools for this Unit:

Bibliography for Teachers

Ball, Philip. Stories of the Invisible: A guided Tour of Molecules. Oxford University Press 2001

All the books written by Philip Ball are very readable and have interesting literary references as well. This book discusses many molecules and their uses.

Ball, Philip. Made To Measure: New Materials For the 20 th Century. Princeton University Press 1997

This book focuses on cutting edge materials that have been identified as offering promise. The difficult part of producing these economically has not yet been pursed, so it is possible that we may never see these as products. This book provides more specifics on the molecular structures.

Bagaria, H.; Dean, M.; Nichol, C.; Wong, M.S. Self-Assembly and Nanotechnology: Real-Time, Hands-On, and Safe Experiments for K-12 Students. Journal of Chemical Education May 2011.

Campbell, D.; Miller, J.; Bannon, S.; Obermier, L. An Exploration of the Nanoworld with LEGO Bricks. Journal of Chemical Education. May 2011 Describes the use of LEGO models for teaching nanotechnology

Campbell, D; Freidinger,E.; Querns, M.; Swanson,S.; Ellis, A.; Kuech, T.; Payne, A.; Socie, B.; Condren, S.M.; Lisensky, G.; Rassmussen, R.; Hollis, T.; Villarereal, R. Exploring the Nanoworld with LEGO Bricks. Available online for download.

Flinn ChemTopic T M Lab. #21 Polymers. Flinn Scientific is a chemical supply company that has produced a series of books providing labs and demos around specific topics. All descriptions describe in-depth how to conduct the labs and demonstrations, as well as the chemistry behind them. P.O. Box 219, Batavia, IL 60510. 800-452-1261

Flinn Demonstration Kit. Ruby-Red Colloidal Gold: Nanotechnology Demonstration

Catalog # AP7117. P.O. Box 219, Batavia, IL 60510. 800-452-1261

Friedli, A.C.; Schlager, I.R.; Wright, S.W. Demonstrating Encapsulation and Release: A New Take on Alginate Complexation and the Nylon Rope Trick. Journal of Chemical Education July 2005

Hoffmann, Roald and Torrence, Vivian. Chemistry Imagined: Reflections On Science. Smithsonian Institution Press 1993.

This book touches several topics in chemistry and is designed to help make chemistry more accessible to everyone. Hoffmann collaborates with the artist Vivian Torrence whose artwork supplements the chemistry. The book is also designed to show that science and art are both creative processes. The chapters describe the human side of discovery and the collaboration between scientists. Quite delightful.

Hoffmann, Roald. The Same and Not The Same. Columbia University Press 1995

The main focus of this text is to show how small differences in molecules can mean huge differences in properties and impact on the environment. Again very readable.

Levi, Primo. The Monkey Wrench. London, Penguin. 1987

Levi, Primo. The Spider's Secret from Mirror Maker. Penguin Books 1995

This story is short but compares the material goals of a varnish maker to those of the spider

Liz-Marazan, L. Nanometals: Formation and Color. Materials Today 2004,26-31. May be downloaded from the autor's university web site at (accessed July 2011)

Making Stuff. NY Times science correspondent David Pogue hosts a four part series on NOVA about advances in material science. The DVD is available for purchase or can be found at Making Stuff Stronger and Making Stuff Smaller are most appropriate for this unit.

Turkevich. J. Colloidal Gold. Part 1. Historical and Preparative Aspects, Morphology and Structure. Gold Bulletin 1985,18,86-91. May be downloaded from the Gold Bulletin Web site at (accessed July 2011)

Vollrath Fritz. Spider Webs and Silks. Scientific America March 1992. Describes the various types of spider silks and how they vary based on their function. (accessed July 2011). Gives construction details for a variety of molecules. Part of an educational website devoted to nanotechnology.

Yaron, David and Leinhardt, Gaea and Karabinos, Michael. Shape, Transformation and Energy: Critical Resources for Thinking in Chemistry. A concept paper outlining the concepts involved with the understanding and learning chemistry. (accessed July 2011) Great website for background information about common polymers and their structural arrangements. (accessed July 2011) (accessed July 2011) The website for Dr. Star giving more detail on the research of his group at the University of Pittsburgh (accessed July 2011)

Website giving the molecular arrangements of the allotropes of carbon. (accessed July 2011) Recent applications of nanotubes (accessed July 2011)


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