In this unit, students will explore the application of electrochemical energy. By using investigation, minds-on strategies, and inquiry based activities, the student will become more ecologically aware of what impact batteries have on the environment, what their applications are, and will to be able to fully understand why responsible disposal is essential.
This unit will teach the students the basics of what a battery is and the chemistry behind it. Students will be exposed to the Periodic Table of Elements for the first time. I feel that by teaching them how to apply the concepts and principles of what a battery is and how it works, they can reach further, discover, and make cognitive connections with other concepts in physical science. Through the recycling of batteries and understanding of some of the misconceptions of how improper disposal of batteries,I believe we can have a significant impact on our local environment.
Being the only science teacher in 6 th grade, I have noticed specific areas of interest and curiosity amongst my students especially with the technological devices they use daily. They are constantly complaining about the batteries that power them. The students are frequently asking me why the batteries die.
This Curriculum Unit is designed for grades 5 through 7. It has been organized to be taught with our plant unit in the sixth week of school when the students learn science laboratory safety. This unit will be taught over a three week period. Concepts and activities, experiments, and investigations will be taught in a sequence that will build upon prior work to ensure understanding and subsequently enrich the experience.
Our science book is an integrated spiral approach which uses consecutive concepts in earth, space, physical, life, and environmental sciences to teach concepts from one grade level to build upon the next grade level. Without a firm background and understanding of the chemical concepts, the students will lack the skills to infer for themselves and to allow them to be successful. My goal is to have my students experience with hands-on, minds-on investigations and activities.