Great Ideas of Primary Mathematics


  1. Unit Guide
  1. Content Objectives
  2. Rationale
  3. Background
  4. Foundational Step of Regrouping - In Addition and Subtraction, Work Separately With Tens and Ones: Except When Regrouping.
  5. Extend Addition and Subtraction Within 1000
  6. Teaching Strategies
  7. Classroom Activities
  8. Word Problems
  9. Bibliography for Teachers
  10. End Notes

Using Place Value to Teach Addition and Subtraction, Let's Count the Ways

Emily Beth Dentel

Published September 2011

Tools for this Unit:

Content Objectives

My goal for this unit is to create lessons that make the transition from simple addition and subtraction into regrouping with 2 digit numbers smoother for students, thus leaving them with a successful mastery of skills they will need to progress in mathematics, including improved automaticity with basic addition and subtraction facts. In a typical progression of a spiraling elementary curriculum, addition and subtraction are revisited using a variety of contexts throughout the year. Throughout my years of teaching experience I have noticed several of my students have lost ground in their understanding of the basic addition and subtraction concepts, making regrouping that much more complicated to understand. It is as if I need to re-teach addition and subtraction each time we revisit it, demonstrating a lack of deep understanding and automaticity with basic facts that are necessary for regrouping in addition and subtraction.

I teach 2 nd grade in a large urban school district with a mobility rate of 15%, low socio-economic population with 98% of students on free or reduced lunch. Over the last several years I have also averaged 3- 4 students per classroom who are part of our Special Educations program, and have an Individual Education Plan, and 5-7 students per classroom who are identified as having some form of ADD or ADHD, some on medication and some not. Within this population, the range of ability varies greatly, and I often find myself struggling to adequately meet all my students' needs. The unit I have developed here will also assist in meeting the diverse mathematical learning needs of students.

My objectives for this unit combine ideas from the Singapore approach to mathematics with the National Core Curriculum for Mathematics 1, the latter of which my home state has been selected to teach in a pilot study. The main objectives for this curriculum unit that are developed here are the following: 1. Representing and solving problems involving addition and subtraction. 2. Addition and subtraction within 100 to mastery, while gaining a deeper understand of place value. 3. Using place value understanding and properties of operations to add and subtract both without and with regrouping. 4. Relating addition and subtraction to length.


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