The unit will start with an introduction on why we are studying the liver, especially as regards drug use. Students will learn about liver structure, focusing on organization as it relates to function. We will start with the liver's microscopic organization, understanding the hexagonal organization of the liver cells and the proximity to hepatic artery, hepatic vein, portal vein and bile duct. This will lead to macroscopic organization, with the dual circulatory system and other unique characteristics of the liver. We will learn about the many, many functions of the liver, especially its role in detoxifying drugs and poisons that are inadvertently taken into the body. We will need to touch on most of its functions to emphasize the importance of having a functioning liver.
I want students to learn some specific effects of drugs and disease on the liver. I will concentrate on Hepatitis B, a sexually transmitted disease studied during sex education; Hepatitis C, which can be sexually transmitted, but is more often acquired from risky behavior, such as needle sharing; and acetaminophen, which is a common over the counter (OTC) drug, often added to other OTC medications to make them more effective, and a cause of acute liver failure. I will briefly touch on mushrooms as a warning to avoid eating them if they were not grown or picked by an expert. We will brainstorm and attempt to design an artificial liver that can take over some of the functions that disease and drugs can interfere with. Finally, we will look at liver transplants and spend time discussing the ethics of transplant, including who should get them. Should it make a difference how you damaged your liver? Is ongoing risky behavior an issue? Who should pay for the transplant? Is it right for it to be only available to the rich? What is the role of insurance companies in deciding who get treated? These are rich, in depth questions that will hopefully open the opportunity for my students to question things that they currently accept as givens. I believe it will be a more interesting approach to a topic they have heard every year that they have attended school.