The human body is a fascinating entity comprised of many different organ systems that work together to allow us to function and do everyday tasks. For example, we do not have to put forth a conscious effort to make sure that we breathe or that our heart is pumping enough blood. Our bodies take care of these processes almost automatically. Collectively, as a group of people, we have learned how organs work and what causes organs to stop working in the case of illness or disease. Mankind has also discovered ways in which to create some artificial organs to replace those that have been damaged by disease or trauma.
This curriculum unit will focus on the pancreas, diabetes, and the effect of diabetes on female student self-esteem. The unit will assist me in teaching my students about the pancreas in a manner in which they can apply the knowledge to their personal lives. The unit starts with a description of the pancreas and its normal role within the body. The next section describes the differences in a diabetic pancreas as compared with a normal pancreas. The various types of diabetes are presented with a focus on Type I diabetes. The unit also addresses ways to encourage my students to prevent diabetes. Since I teach only female students, I plan to incorporate information concerning eating disorders and self-esteem conflicts in females as they relate to diabetes. Finally, the unit describes artificial pancreases that have been created. The learning experience that students will gain from this unit will enable students to live healthier lives.