Ronald E. McNair Middle School
I teach in an urban middle school located east of Atlanta, Georgia. The school has little diversity based on the student population. Approximately 98% of the student body is African-American. Based on the socio-economic status of my students and their families and the number of students receiving free or reduced meal plans, McNair Middle is classified as a Title I school.
The school is divided into three separate academies based on physical hallway location and student gender. The boy's academy is located on A hall, the co-ed academy on B hall, and the girl's academy on E hall. Both male and female educators teach in each of the academies. I teach only female students in the girl's academy.
I am responsible for teaching four seventh grade classes of Life Science based on a block schedule. The science classes are arranged so that I teach two classes of science a day for 110 minutes, but I only see my students every other day. Based on this schedule, this unit will be taught at the end of the first nine weeks, during weeks eight and nine of the Cells and Body Systems domain. This time frame will give the students a total of five days to work on this unit.