How to do this use this unit with information from your own city?
One of the best parts of writing this unit has been the joy of learning about the local history of Englewood. While you could obviously teach this lesson and use the history I have gathered as your content, I strongly urge that you take the time either in preparation for the unit or with students as a team research project to look at the local story. I do have some suggestions to help find the most useful data. My first suggestion is relatively obvious but perhaps bears stating: make friends with the reference librarian at your local library. He or she will be your best resource to finding the sources that help students begin to shape the story of your city or neighborhood from multiple perspectives. The sources I have used for this unit is our city's historic encyclopedia, archives from the local papers, census data, and graphs/maps from secondary sources written about Chicago. All of these sources are available to you to a greater or lesser extent depending on the size of your city.
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