Interdisciplinary Approaches to Consumer Culture


  1. Unit Guide
  1. Introduction
  2. Objectives-What content? What skills?
  3. Rationale-Why this content? Why these skills? Why now?
  4. Background
  5. Present
  6. Summative Assessment-How will I know my students achieved the content and skill objectives?
  7. Seeing Through a Critical Consumer Lens
  8. Learning Activities and Strategies
  9. Differentiation
  10. Appendix
  11. Approaches to student inquiry projects
  12. Guide to Helping Students Create Project Websites
  13. How to do this use this unit with information from your own city?
  14. Annotated Bibliography
  15. Endnotes

Present, Past, and Future: Using a Consumer Lens to Help Students Envision a Future

Molly A. Myers

Published September 2012

Tools for this Unit:

Objectives-What content? What skills?

Geographic Content

The objectives for this unit are guided by the content requirements of College Board's Advanced Placement Human Geography guidelines (as influenced by the National Geography Standards) and the skill requirements of the Common Core State Standards. The Advanced Placement course connections to this unit span multiple chapters of the text, including (but not limited to) population, migration, culture, ethnicity, urban patterns, and services. Issues of Chicago's growing and shrinking overall population, juxtaposed with the history of both European and African American migration to the city, play a key role in the narrative of the local neighborhood we will examine. Urban issues connect culture and ethnicity/race to the battles over housing (racial covenants, redlining, blockbusting, etc), education (de facto segregation), and consumer services (access), all of which are included in the AP curriculum and will guide the content objectives for this unit.

Common Core Skills

The content is the medium through which students will develop critical skills of inquiry, analysis, and finally, the organization and synthesis of ideas into a final research project. While the entire, year-long curriculum will address nearly every Common Core Standard multiple times, this unit's main focus will be on identifying "the extent to which the reasoning and evidence in a text support the author's claims" and researching "to build and present knowledge." 2 (See appendix for a more detailed explanation of content and skill objectives)


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