Storytelling: Fictional Narratives, Imaginary People, and the Reader's Real Life


  1. Unit Guide
  1. Mission Statement
  2. School Setting
  3. Story Setting
  4. Motivation
  5. Methods
  6. Appendices
  7. Endnotes

Non-Violent Fictional Characters as a Means to Character-Building: Ferdinand the Flower-Friendly Bull and Chrysanthemum the Brave Blooming Mouse

Justine Ferguson

Published September 2012

Tools for this Unit:


Works Cited

"Brisbane School District - Brisbane, CA - Highly Effective Teaching." (accessed June 20, 2012).

Bernard, Sara. "Elementary School Kids Show Their Multiple Intelligences." (accessed July 20, 2012).

Colangelo, Sharon, Carolina Mancuso, and Mimi Duvall. Teaching with Joy: Educational Practices for the Twenty-First Century. Lanham, Md.: Rowman & Littlefield, 2007.

Coloroso, Barbara. The Bully, the Bullied, and the Bystander: From Preschool to High School: How parents and Teachers Can Help Break the Cycle of Violence. New York:

HarperResource, 2003.

Cowan, Philip A., Carolyn Pape Cowan, and Neera Mehta, "Feeling Like Partners," in The Compassionate Instinct: The Science of Human Goodness. Editors Keltner, Dacher, Jason Marsh, and Jeremy Adam Smith New York: W.W. Norton & Co., 2010.

Damm, Alex. "Mhatma Gandhi and Character Education in Non-Violence: Its Relevance in Religious Studies Today." Teaching Theology and Religion 14, no. 1 (2011): 3-12.

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glcfirstgradecurriculum.pdf(accessed June 20, 2012).

Dennan, Brett, The Mosaic Project, © 2004, The Mosaic Project, Compact disc.

Elias, Maurice. "From Preschool to Adulthood: Building Social and Emotional Skills with Fiction." (accessed July 20, 2012).

Gaidos, Susan . "More Than a Feeling." Science News, August 14, 2010.

Henkes, Kevin. Chrysanthemum. New York: Greenwillow Books, 1991.

Henry, David , and Wing Yi Chan. "Cross-Sectional and Longitudinal Effects of Sixth-Grade Setting-Level Norms for Nonviolent Problem Solving on Aggression and Associated Attitudes." Journal of Community Psychology 38, no. 8 (2010): 1007-1022.

Keltner, Dacher, Jason Marsh, and Jeremy Adam Smith. in The Compassionate Instinct: The Science of Human Goodness. New York: W.W. Norton & Co., 2010.

Kovalik, Susan, and Karen Olsen. Exceeding Expectations: A User's Guide to Implementing Brain Research in the Classroom. 3 rd ed. United States: S. Kovalik & Associates, 1994.

Perkinsa, Suzanne , and Sandra Graham-Bermannb. "Violence Exposure and the Development of School-Related Functioning: Mental health, Neocognition, and Learning." Aggression and Violent Behavior 17, no. 1 (2012): 89-98.

Levine, Peter A., and Maggie Kline. Trauma-Proofing Your Kids: A Parents' Guide for Instilling Confidence, Joy and Resilience. Berkeley, Calif.: North Atlantic Books ;, 2008.

Manuela Fumagalli, Alberto Priori, "Functional and Clinical Neuroanatomy of Morality." Brain: A Journal of Neurology, 135, no. 7 (2011): 2006-2021.

Millender, Dharathula H., and Al. Fiorentino. Martin Luther King, Jr.:Yyoung Man With a Dream. New York: Aladdin Paperbacks, 1983.

Murphy Paul, Annie. "Your Brain on Fiction." New York Times, March 17, 2012.

Rosenberg, Marshall B.. Nonviolent Communication A Language of Life. 2nd ed. Encinitas: PuddleDancer Press, 2007.

Sieruta, Peter D.. "Ferdinand: Classic Book, Oscar Winner, Song, Tattoo." Collecting Children's Books. ferdinand-classic-book-oscar-winner.html (accessed June 20, 2012).

Simon, Seymour. Animal fact/animal fable. New York: Crown Publishers, Inc., 1979.

The Mosaic Project, Dennen Brett. Children's Songs for Peace and a Better World, 2004.

Tomada, Akemi, Yi-Shin Sheu, Keren Rebi, Hanako Suzuki, Carryl Navalta, Ann Polcari, and Martin Teicher. "Exposure to Parental Verbal Abuse Associated with Increased Gray Matter Volume in Superior Temporal Gyrus." NeuroImage 54, no. 1 (2012): 280-206. (accessed June 20, 2012).

Tutu, Desmond. "Truth and Reconciliation," in The Compassionate Instinct: The Science of Human Goodness. Editors Keltner, Dacher, Jason Marsh, and Jeremy Adam Smith New York: W.W. Norton & Co., 2010.

de Waal, Frans B.M.. "The Antiquity of Empathy." Science 336, no. 6083 (2012): 874-876. (accessed June 20, 2012).


For Younger Student Audiences/Readers

Chapman, Carol, and Kelly Oechsli. Herbie's Troubles. New York: Dutton, 1981.

Hajdusiewicz, Babs Bell. "Bulldog Bully." More! Phonics Through Poetry: Teaching Phonemic Awareness Through Poetry. Culver City, CA: Simon & Shuster, Good Year Books, 1999.

Henkes, Kevin. Chrysanthemum. New York: Greenwillow Books, 1991.

Howe, James, and Melissa Sweet. Pinky and Rex and the Bully. New York, N.Y.: Atheneum Books for Young Readers, 1996.

Leaf, Munro, and Robert Lawson. The Story of Ferdinand. New York: Viking Press, 1936.

Penn, Audrey, and Barbara Gibson. Chester Raccoon and the Big Bad Bully. Terre Haute, IN: Tanglewood Press, 2008.

Seskin, Steve, Allen Shamblin, and Glin Dibley. Don't Laugh at Me. Berkeley, CA: Tricycle Press, 2002.

Simon, Seymour. Animal Fact/Animal Fable. New York: Crown Publishers, Inc., 1979.

Spelman, Cornelia, and Nancy Cote. When I feel Angry. Morton Grove, Ill.: A. Whitman, 2000.

White, E. B., Garth Williams, and Edith Goodkind Rosenwald. Charlotte's Web. New York: Harper, 1952.

Yarrow, Peter, Laura Parker Roerden, and Linda Lantieri. Don't Laugh at Me. New York: Operation Respect, 2000.

For Older Student Audiences/Readers

Lineger, Maria. The Project Happiness Handbook. Palo Alto, CA.: Project Happiness, Inc., 2009.

Millender, Dharathula H., and Al. Fiorentino. Martin Luther King, Jr.: Young Man with a Dream. New York: Aladdin Paperbacks, 1983.

Pastan, Amy. Gandhi. New York: DK Pub, 2006.

Seskin, Steve, Allen Shamblin, and Glin Dibley. Don't Laugh at Me. Berkeley, CA.: Tricycle Press, 2002.

White, E. B., Charlotte's Web. New York: Harper, 1952.

For Educators/Parents

Bronson, Po, and Ashley Merryman. NurtureShock: New Thinking About Children. New York: Twelve, 2009.

Brown, Lyn Mikel, and Mary Madden. FromAdversaries to Allies: A Curriculum For Change. Waterville, ME: Hardy Girls Healthy Women, 2005.

Colangelo, Sharon, Carolina Mancuso, and Mimi Duvall. Teaching with Joy: Educational Practices for the Twenty-First Century. Lanham, Md.: Rowman & Littlefield, 2007.

Coloroso, Barbara. The Bully, the Bullied, and the Bystander: From Preschool to High School: How parents and Teachers Can Help Break the Cycle of Violence. New York: HarperResource, 2003.

Damm, Alex. "Mhatma Gandhi and Character Education in Non-Violence: Its Relevance in Religious Studies Today." Teaching Theology and Religion 14, no. 1 (2011): 3-12.

Fumagalli, Manuela , and Alberto Priori. "Functional and Clinical Neuroanatomy of Morality." Oxford Journal 7, no. 135 (2012): 2006-2021.

Gaidos, Susan . "More Than a Feeling." Science News, August 14, 2010.

Gibbs, Jeanne. Tribes: A New Way of Learning and Being Together. Windsor, CA: Center Source Systems, 2001.

"Hardy Girls Healthy Women." Hardy Girls Healthy Women. (accessed April 12, 2012).

Hart, Sura, and Victoria Hodson. Respectful Parents, Respectfu lKids: 7 Keys to Turn Family Conflict into Cooperation. Encinitas, CA: PuddleDancer Press, 2006.

Henry, David , and Wing Yi Chan. "Cross-Sectional and Longitudinal Effects of Sixth-Grade Setting-Level Norms for Nonviolent Problem Solving on Aggression and Associated Attitudes." Journal of Community Psychology 38, no. 8 (2010): 1007-1022.

Keltner, Dacher, Jason Marsh, and Jeremy Adam Smith, editors. The Compassionate Instinct: The Science of Human Goodness. New York: W.W. Norton & Co., 2010.

Kovalik, Susan, and Karen Olsen. ITI, the Model: Integrated Thematic Instruction. 3rd ed. United States: S. Kovalik & Associates, 1994.

Kovalik, Susan, and Karen Olsen. Exceeding Expectations: A User's Guide to Implementing Brain Research in the Classroom. 3 rd ed. United States: S. Kovalik & Associates, 2001.

Kovalik, Susan, and Karen D. Olsen. Exceeding Expectations: A User's guide to Implementing Brain Research in the Classroom ; ITI Brain Research From Theory to Practice. S.l.: Susan Kovalik, 2005.

Kovalik, Susan, and Lanitta Jaye Delk. Bodybrain-Compatible Instruction in Grades K-6: Teacher Handbook. Rexford, N.Y.: International Center for Leadership in Education, 2009.

Levine, Peter A., and Maggie Kline. Trauma Through a Child's Eyes: Awakening the Ordinary Miracle of Healing. Berkeley, CA: North Atlantic Books, 2006.

Levine, Peter A., and Maggie Kline. Trauma-Proofing Your Kids: A Parents' Guide for Instilling Confidence, Joy and Resilience. Berkeley, CA: North Atlantic Books ;, 2008.

Levitin, Daniel J.. This is Your Brain on Music: The Science of a Human Obsession. New York, N.Y.: Plume, 2006.

Lineger, Maria. The Project Happiness Handbook. S.l.: Project Happiness, Inc., 2009.

Mahan, Amy L., and Kerry J. Ressler. "Fear Conditioning, Synaptic Plasticity and the Amygdala: Implications for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder." Trends in Neuroscience 35, no. 1 (2011): 24-35.

Murphy Paul, Annie. "Your Brain on Fiction." New York Times, March 17, 2012.

Newberger, Eli H.. The Men They Will Become: The Nature and Nurture of Male Character. Reading, MA: Perseus Books, 1999.

"Olweus Bullying Prevention Program." Clemson University. (accessed May 5, 2012).

Perkinsa, Suzanne , and Sandra Graham-Bermannb. "Violence Exposure and the Development of School-Related Functioning: Mental health, Neocognition, and Learning." Aggression and Violent Behavior 17, no. 1 (2012): 89-98.

Rosenberg, Marshall B., and Riane Eisler. Life-Enriching Education Nonviolent Communication Helps Schools Improve Performance, Reduce Conflict, and Enhance Relationships. Chicago: PuddleDancer Press, 2003.

Rosenberg, Marshall B.. Teaching Children Compassionately How Students and Teachers Can Succeed with Mutual Understanding. Encinitas, CA: PuddleDancer Press, 2004.

Rosenberg, Marshall B.. Nonviolent Communication A Language of Life. 2nd ed. Encinitas, CA: PuddleDancer Press, 2007.

Schoeberlein, Deborah R., and Suki Sheth. Mindful Teaching and Teaching Mindfulness: A Guide for Anyone Who Teaches Anything. Somerville, MA: Wisdom Publications, 2009.

Siegel, Daniel J.. and Tina Payne Bryson. The Whole-Brained Child: 12 Revolutionary Strategies to Nurture Your Child's Developing Mind, Survive Everyday Parenting Struggles, and Help Your Family Thrive . New York: Delacorte Press, 2011.

Smith, Elsie. Nurturing Nonviolent Children: A Guide for Parents, Educators, and Counselors. Westport, CT: Praeger, 2008.

Tomada, Akemi, Yi-Shin Sheu, Keren Rebi, Hanako Suzuki, Carryl Navalta, Ann Polcari, and Martin Teicher. "Exposure to Parental Verbal Abuse Associated with Increased Gray Matter Volume in Superior Temporal Gyrus." NeuroImage 54, no. 1 (2012): 280-206. (accessed June 20, 2012).

"Violence Prevention Works from Hazelden Publishing." Violence Prevention Works from Hazelden Publishing. (accessed May 5, 2012).

de Waal, Frans B.M.. "The Antiquity of Empathy." Science 336, no. 6083 (2012): 874-876.

"elacontentstandards-1.pdf. glcfirstgradecurriculum.pdf (accessed June 20, 2012).


Yoga Planet 50 Activity Cards or Yoga Pretzels 50 Activity Cards (found at or

Zuleikah. Take a Minute - For Your Life. Swan Lake Publishing. (Founder of Storydancer


Brett Dennan, The Mosaic Project, © 2004, The Mosaic Project, Compact disc.

Slim Gaillard and Slam Stewart. Slim and Slam, © 1938. Cedar, Compact disc.

Bill Hayes. Ferdinand the Bull, from Bill Hayes Sings the Best of Disney. MP3 single.


I Am. HD-DVD. Directed by Tom Shadyac. Los Angeles: Flying Eye Productions, 2011.

Project Happiness. DVD. Directed by John C. Sorensen. Palo Alto, CA : Spring Communications/Grace Creek Media/Beyond Words Publishing, 2011.

I will need your active assistance with the goal to create a safe learning environment. It's vital for the success for all of our children in this classroom if all of us are on the same team together – supporting each other and supporting our children in safe and respectful ways that allow our children to grow and are allowed to learn from their mistakes –by building a school community that treats others the way we wish to be treated. The students are more motivated, excited, and engaged in an inclusive and supportive climate – where it's safe to make mistakes and learn from each other.


Class Constitution/Lifelong Guidelines/Teaming Up Together

ALL people (regardless of age) learn and work best when they are in a safe, caring environment. Our Classroom Constitution simply states the LIFELONG GUIDELINES:

1) Be trustworthy. (Treat others the way that we wish to be treated – because harming others in words and actions make us distrustful.)

2) Be truthful. (Be our self, use "I statements," and admit when we make mistakes.)

3) Use active listening. (Take turns listening to adults and classmates. Raise our hands when we want to speak and be heard. We let others finish their thoughts. We reflect on what we have heard. We share our thoughts when it's our turn.)

4) Do our personal best. (Practice the lifeskills, actively participate, take pride in our work - and allow others as well as our self to shine in class!)

5) Use "Push-ups" – not "Put-downs." (Encourage our self and others to do our personal best. Speak kindly to our self, our teachers, our staff, our family members, and our classmates –compassion and understanding build us up personally and support and strengthen our community.)


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