The American Presidency


  1. Unit Guide
  1. Introduction:
  2. Rationale:
  3. Importance of a Government:
  4. Learning Objectives:
  5. Demographics:
  6. Chronological Culture:
  7. Kit Carson –Destroy and Conquer Campaign
  8. Treaty of 1968:
  9. Western Influence on the Dine:
  10. Navajo Tribal Code vs. Navajo Constitution
  11. Navajo Tribal Code vs. Constitution:
  12. Limits to Dine Government Power:
  13. Executive Branch of Dine Nation:
  14. Rules Before the Constitution:
  15. The Founders and the United States Constitution:
  16. A Call for a Convention:
  17. Success of the Convention:
  18. Commander in Chief:
  19. Collaborative Learning Activities:
  20. Essential Questions:
  21. Endnotes
  22. Works Cited


Lucille Mitchell-Gagnon

Published September 2012

Tools for this Unit:

Chronological Culture:

Before the Emergence into the fourth world of the Dine, there were four Chiefs chosen by Old Man, who led the people and were the keepers of the land. Old Man made Great Wolf the Head Chief, Mountain Lion, Otter and Beaver other Chiefs. The Chiefs of four directions were Water Monster, Blue Heron, Frog and White Mountain Thunder. The Chiefs' job was to organize the world and make it good for all living things. "The Chiefs' told the people how to build hogans and sweathouses, to farm corn, wheat, melons, pumpkins, beans, and chile, and how to hunt. The first ranking Chief was called, "He Usually Rises With Orders" (who was also called, Chief in the Morning), he told the people when to go hunting in a sacred tradition. The second Chief's ranking was called, "He Arrives With Orders"; the third Chief was called, "He Usually Walks Along With Orders"; the fourth Chief was called, "He Walks with Orders". The Chiefs' spoke to their people every morning, making speeches about how to live in the right way." The Chiefs told the people how to work, and to begin work early. The people listened to the Chiefs', and lived under their direction peacefully in harmony and beauty, Hozhogo.

When the beings came to the fourth world, the Chiefs' held a council. They talked about how humans should be created. The Chiefs' prayed to the Wind to dry up the mud that was left from a Great Flood. They asked the Holy People to build new mountains for Dine. The Dine went about their living under the direction of the Chiefs'. The people became unhappy with their animal leaders. Great Snake began biting and killing people. Bear tore people with his great claws for they had stopped listening. Coyote was unhappy with the Chiefs'. Coyote and the people retaliated against the Chiefs'. The animal leaders found they could not keep peace. To this day, if a leader does something wrong or hurts people, he can be removed from office. Four human Chiefs' originated. Each leader came from one of the four original clans, the Towering House Clan; One Who Walks Around Clan; Bitter Water Clan; and the Big Water Clan. Since this early time, humans have been the only Chiefs or leaders. These leaders were called, Naat'aanii.


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