I want my students to use experiential activities whenever possible- particularly in Social Studies. Students often feel that they don't relate to historical events and governmental policies. Much of the important objectives in Social Studies require reflection, not just memorization of historical events. Students will remember much more when they are actively involved in activities- particularly when they enjoy the activity. After the activity students can reflect on the activity. They can reflect on the feelings they had when they had to make decisions or when their bill didn't pass because the other party wanted something else. In addition, I have many students who favor the kinesthetic learning style, and experiential activities are particularly good for them. Brain research tells us that movement and simulations are particularly good for all students.
Writing is particularly valuable for students to use for reflection, clarification, and evaluation. Writing involves summarization which is a highly effective technique for students to use to incorporate higher order thinking. Pair-share is also incorporated into the writing process, as it is used for brainstorming and peer review. Students formulate their ideas for their writing and later share it with their partner to receive valuable feedback. Finally, oral presentation is incorporated as a means of publication.
Cooperative Learning
Students learn to work together and problem solve when they are involved in cooperative learning. Students gain much more from activities when they have a group to work together. Students will have the opportunity to apply the concepts they are given to new situations and create solutions.
Students need to incorporate new vocabulary in many ways to master it. I use the VOC strategy to help students learn new vocabulary. Using this strategy, the students separate words they know from those they don't know. Then the students utilize a variety of modalities to illustrate the word such as in a sentence, with synonyms, and in illustrations. Students will not learn vocabulary unless they have the opportunities to work with words many times. With the VOC strategy, they have this opportunity.
Because I have different students in my classroom, with a wide range of abilities, needs, and learning styles, I incorporate differentiation in my classroom. In this particular unit, there are multiple sources and mediums to provide background knowledge. When students write their opinion paper, they will choose the candidate they want to support- differentiating by interest. In addition, the writing assignments will be differentiated in length and scope for those students that have challenges with writing at grade level. Students will work with partners to gather supporting information they will use in their papers. Assessments will also be differentiated as necessary.