Appendix A
Delaware Civics Standards
DE Civics Standard One: Students will examine the structure and purposes of governments with specific emphasis on constitutional democracy.
Students will understand that the United States government is divided into executive, legislative, and judicial branches, each with specific responsibilities and powers.
DE Civics Standard Four: Students will develop and employ the civic skills necessary for effective, participatory citizenship.
Students will understand that in order to select effective leaders, citizens have to become informed about candidates' qualifications and the issues of the day.
Common Core Writing Standard
CC5W1: Write arguments to support claims in an analysis of substantive topics or texts, using valid reasoning and relevant and sufficient evidence.
Write opinion pieces on topics or texts, supporting a point of view with reasons and information.
In this unit students will be examine the branches of the United States' Government, (Civics #1), by conducting a simulation of the government. They will conduct a process to select a candidate by examining current issues and personality traits, (Civics #4), and participating in a mock election. Finally, they will address the writing standard, (CC5W 1), by writing an opinion paper to support the candidate they choose to support.
Appendix B
Anticipation Guide
Answer yes or no if you think the United States President has the power to do each of the following actions.
________1. The president can make speeches to Congress.
________2. The president can get someone out of jail.
________3. The president can pass a law.
________4. The president can decide how much money the U.S. will spend on the military.
________5. The president can make an agreement with another country.
________6. The president can appoint someone to be a judge in the Supreme Court.
________7. The president can start a war with another country.
________8. The president can meet with a leader from another country.
________9. The president can reject (veto) a law that Congress has passed.
_______10. The president can raise the price for gasoline.
_______11. The president can decide to make a holiday.
_______12. The president can tell the Army how to plan an attack in a war.
_______13. The president can be president as long as he/she keeps winning elections.
_______14. The president can fire his advisors.
_______15. The president can choose someone to go to other countries to represent the U.S.
_______16. The president can vote for a bill to make it a law.
_______17. The president can keep a secret from the American people or the courts.
_______18. The president can order the military to bomb a country that has attacked the U.S.
_______19. The president can be taken out of office, (fired).
_______20. The president can force a group of people to live in a guarded camp that they cannot leave.
Appendix C
Cards for Simulation
Presidential Jobs:
Meet with your party. Discuss the agenda (see below).
Make agenda- think of laws you want passed.
Make budget- you will have $ 500.00.
Write a short State of the Union speech. You will give this speech to the Congress, explaining your budget, and agenda.
Make treaties with at least one other country. (This can involve sharing something or a space in the school or room.)
Sign or veto bills that the Congress gives you.
If another country attacks your country you may:
- Ask Congress to wage war.
- Conduct military action as long as it's only for 60 days and you report to Congress.
- Just go ahead and attack and try to explain why later.
Visit other countries to talk about your common interests.
Visit the U.N. or Celebrations, or National Tragedies, or Superbowl, etc.
Conduct celebrations at the White House such as the Easter Egg hunt, lighting the Christmas Tree in the White House.
Supreme Court
You will look at the laws that have been passed and signed and decide if they are Constitutional or not. You will compare them to the Student Code of Conduct to decide. You will vote and then write out your decision along with reasons together and deliver it to the president.
You will listen to the president's State of the Union Speech.
You will think of at least 4 different rules you would like to see at school. Along with the bills the president has suggested, you will vote for or against the bills.
You will vote to overrule vetoes if you get one. (You will need to have ¾ vote to overrule the veto or else it won't pass.
The Senate will vote to approve the Supreme Court appointees.
Event Cards:
Take something from Country 2 (like a pencil).
President: Visit the office (U.N.).
President: Visit the president of one of the other countries.
President: Meet with your party to discuss proposed bills and budget.
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