The students in my Advance Placement class will participate in this unit as an introduction to United States Government and Politics class. The customary unit that begins this course is the Constitutional Underpinnings of United States government, which explains the historical content of the Constitutional Convention, the ideological and philosophical traditions of the framers. It also defines federalism, the separation of powers, and checks and balances. In an effort to get my students to fully understand the content and get them interested, we will be starting with the Civil Rights and Civil Liberties unit. In this unit, students will gain an understanding of United States politics that includes the examination of the development of individual rights and liberties and their impact on citizens. We will primarily focus on the civil rights and liberties of African Americans. At the end of this unit, students will: 1. Know the important facts, concepts, and theories pertaining to U.S. government and politics, 2. Understand typical patterns of political processes and behavior and their consequences (including the components of political behavior, the principles used to explain or justify various government structures and procedures, and the political effects of these structures and procedures) and 3. Be able to critically analyze relevant theories and concepts, apply them appropriately, and develop their connections across the curriculum.