Student Quote Discussions
Students will be divided into three groups. Each group will be given select quotes of Maria Stewart, Sojourner Truth and Martin Delany. Each group will analyze and discuss the relevance of the quotes. Students will use graphic organizer to organize relevance of quotes. Through group discussion, it will be important for students to demonstration an understanding of the relevance of the quote during the time period it was spoken and students should be able to make a real world connection to the quote.
Selected Quote of ________________________
-In regular terms, rewrite the quote.
- Why is the quote important? What is the message?
-Is the message relevant now? Why/why not? (Give examples)
Day Three
Writing Assessment /Free Response questions
In preparation for the writing portion of the Advance Placement exam, students will have their first opportunity to practice completing a free response question. Students will be presented with four questions. For this writing exercise, students will select two of the four questions. Using their notes from class and group discussions, students will respond to questions based on their knowledge. Students will be provided with a rubric, illustrating how the essays are graded. Students will also have the opportunity to use the rubric to guide them to completion. With daily practice, by the time the students take the exam, they will feel comfortable with their knowledge and how they use that knowledge to construct their answers.
Sample Questions:
Does the Thirteenth, Fourteenth or Fifteenth Amendment impact your actions and/or participation in the political process as a citizen of the United States? Explain.
Select a quote from Maria Stewart, Sojourner Truth or Martin Delany. Discuss the relevance of the quote as it relates to an issue a group or culture is experiencing today. Site examples as to how this group can use the political process to inspire action and awareness within the community.
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