Lesson Four – Narratives of Nationalities on Citizenship
America. What is America in your perspective? As people we have come far to become an American Citizen. If you were born in America, you are an American citizen, some of us are also Navajo Nation citizens. As Dine, people see things from two perspectives because we are Navajo Nation citizens and American citizens. Is there an underlying difference between the two? Is there a priority in which role comes first? Do we say that we are Navajo Nation citizens first, then American citizens? Or are we American citizens first because of the official document accepted by all people, the Declaration of Independence? We have all endured obstacles for a greater purpose but does this mean that our purpose is everyone's achievement? At most times our elders saw the positive side of a negative situation. For example, our former tribal council delegate Sam Gorman, gives us an understanding that lessons can be learned from hardship. As a young man, Gorman fought against education, he ran away, he didn't want to learn, nor did he care for the system. Today, he fights for education, he knows after living a life with very little education that without education, we would be helpless. Gorman illustrates that like a bird we have the choice to fly, or not to fly but it is the hand that controls that fate. What is that fate? Gorman states in 1953,
"A bird that is in the hand has had his wings cut off and cannot fly around like a bird should that has nothing wrong with its wings. Education is like that. The man who does not have education is one who cannot get anywhere, like his wing is cut off and he cannot fly around. It is the man who had an education who can get about freely like a free bird." 1
There are citizens of all types in our great nation. We have people who will fight for us and those who will fight against us, thinking that it is the right thing to do, not necessarily to cause despair. Others may think that they are fighting for the good of the nation but don't really realize the underlying impact of their decisions. Decision-making and leadership comes with being a citizen. Such as Lilly Neil in her 1947 letter to Mr. Beatty regarding the type of education Native Americans are given.
"…To be sure our White instructors are trying to get our Native language taught in school along with English, and confusing our little children, but will this fulfill their part in our treaty, even if they do succeed in getting our little ones to speak Navajo the broken White Mans way, Will this qualify our children to compete with their White Brothers? Positively No." 2 "[sic]"
Though her intentions are good, what is her overall purpose? As individuals we all have a responsibility to contribute back to society. If this may be within our families, our community or our nation, the responsibility to do good for the betterment of all still exist. Through Dine teachings, it is the success of the third generation within your family that you are seen as successful. In other words, it is through your grandchildren and there success, that you will be seen as succeeding. For this purpose, the Dine strive toward long term goals and view things so that unity among all people prevail.