Narratives of Citizenship and Race since Emancipation


  1. Unit Guide
  1. Getting Started – Establishing the Tone
  2. Related Activity #1: Walk in Their Shoes Journal Insert
  3. Related Activity #4. "Family Time Line" Interview
  4. Related Activity #5. "Americans All!" Performance Poetry Creation
  5. Conclusion
  8. Endnotes

Diverse Journeys - Americans All!

Waltrina D. Kirkland-Mullins

Published September 2012

Tools for this Unit:



Carson, Benjamin. America The Beautiful: Rediscovering What Made This Country Great. Zondervan Press (2012). A different spin on an often-revisited-and-rehashed topic.

Bailyn, Bernard. Voyagers to the West: A Passage in the Peopling of America on the Eve of the Revolution. Vintage Books, New York (March 1988). A primary source of background info re: European colonization and immigration in North America.

Dublin, Thomas. Immigrant Voices: New Lives in America, 1773 - 1986. Vintage Books, New York (1988). University of Illinois Press (1993). Provides insight into the immigration process as seen through the eyes of Russian, Puerto Rican, Italian, Vietnamese, Mexican, and other diverse newcomers to American shores.

Franklin, John Hope. From Slavery to Freedom. Vintage Books, New York (1992). This work provides an objective look at the Africa Diaspora, beginning with great empires of Africa through the slave trade up until the African's fight for freedom during the slave trade and beyond.

Collins, Editor, Richard. The Native Americans: The Indigenous People of North America. Created in affiliation with the Smithsonian Institute and the American Museum of Natural History, and Yale Ethno-anthropologist William C. Sturtevant, this work provides a wealth of background information regarding Americas original indigenous inhabitants.

Daniels, Roger. Coming to America. Second Edition: A History of Immigration and Enthnicity in American Life. Harper Perennial, New York (October 2002). Provides primary resource info and theoretical reasoning behind immigration.

(2002).Feelings, Tom Middle Passage - Introduction by Dr. John Henrik Clarke, (1995). A pictorial essay of the dehumanizing journey; browse carefully through work to determine age-appropriate illustrations for classroom use.

Gates, Jr., Henry Louis. Life Upon These Shores: Looking at African American History. A primary source of background information regarding African American Heritage, beginning from pre-slavery to the 21st century.

Manning, Marable and Leith Mullings, (Editors). Let Nobody Turn Us Around. A revealing anthology of collected works and primary source documents from civil rights leaders and activists; takes a look into American History from slavery to the 20th century through the lives and experiences of those of African descent.

Mannix, Daniel P. Black Cargoes: A History of the Atlantic Slave Trade 1518 -1865. Viking Press, New York (1978). Contains true accounts of the trafficking of African human cargo as experienced by white colonists and slave traders.

Reimers, David M. Unwelcome Strangers: American Identity and the Turn Against Immigration. Columbia University Press, New York (1999). A primary resource regarding immigration from Pre-World War II and onward, immigration policy, restrictionist views, and related debates.

Smith, James and Edmonston, Barry, et al. The New Americans: Economic, Demographic, and Fiscal Effects of Immigration. National Academy Press, Washingon, DC (1997). A comprehensive report regarding immigration and immigration issues impacting the U.S. in the 20th century and beyond.

Zinn, Howard. A People's History of the United States. Harper Perennial Modern Classics. New York, ( November 2010). Provides a refreshing, culturally-inclusive account of American History.



Adoff, Arnold. Black Is Brown Is Tan. Amistad/Harper-Collins Publishing Company. New York (2003). A poetic look at interracial family/relationships.

___________. All The Colors of the Race. Beechtree Books. New York (March 1992).

Myers, Walter Dean. We Are America: A Tribute from the Heart. Harper Collins, New York (2012). Thought-provoking poetic work that gives insight into immigration journeys of diverse groups of Americans.

Historical/Realistic Fiction

Bunting, Eve. How Many Days to America. Sandpiper Press. (October 1, 1990). Immigration as seen through the eyes of a Haitian refugee family seeking political asylum on American shores.

Choi, Yangsook. The Name Jar. Dragonfly Books, New York (2001). A realistic fiction work that gives a spin on assimilating into American culture, as seen through the eyes of a Korean child, Hunei (pronounced Un-hay).

Kent, Rose. Kimchi & Calamari. Harper Collins Publishers, New York (2007). A moving, realistic fiction work that addresses self-discovery, race and family as it pertains to migration and interracial adoption.

Lee, Millie. Landed. Choi, Yangsook. Farrar, Straus, & Giroux, New York (February 2006). Because of the 1882 Chinese Exclusion Act, entering the United States from China proves challenging for 12-year old Sun. Despite having been accompanied by his father, a naturalized citizen, on the long journey, upon arriving to American shores, Sun is forced to wait for four weeks before undergoing the interrogation process. Sun frets over the possibility of having to return to his homeland, China: a gut-wrenching, often omitted-from-the history-books look at the dehumanizing naturalization process as experienced by Asian immigrants.

Levine, Ellen. I Hate English. Scholastic, Inc. (1989). A sensitive realistic fiction tale about a young immigrant girl from Hong Kong and her struggle to live in two worlds, learning to communicate in two languages.

McGill, Alice. Molly Banneky. Sandpiper, New York. (January 2009). A fiction work ground in historical truth regarding the life of British-born indentured servant Molly Banneker, grandmother to scientist and mathematician Benjamin Banneker.

Saltonstall Carrier, Katrina. Kai's Journey to Gold Mountain: An Angel Island Story. Angel Island Association, Tiburan, California (2005). A historical fiction tale grounded in fact based on the life of Albert Kai Wong regarding the Asian immigrant experience on Angel Island.


Burns-Knight, Margy. Who Belongs Here? An American Story. Tilbury House, Gardiner, Maine (1993). The tale of a Cambodian immigrant and his encounter with racism upon migrating to American shores. Accompanied by supportive, statistical data, this work is a blend of memoir and supportive non-fictional details highlighting real-life encounters experienced by newcomers to America's shores.

Gordon, Susan. Asian Indians: Recent American Immigrant Series. Franklin Watts (October 1990). Explores aspects of Asian culture, the struggles many Asiatic peoples and their reasons for immigrating to American shores.

Landau, Elaine. Ellis Island, Scholastic Inc., New York, New York (2012). Informational reference resource that takes a vivid look at immigration via this immigration stoppoint.

Mayberry, Jodene. Filipinos: Recent American Immigrant Series, Franklin Watts (October 1990). Explores aspects of East Indian and related cultures, culture, the people's struggles and reasons for immigrating to American shores.

______________. Koreans: Recent American Immigrant Series, Franklin Watts (October 1990). Explores aspects of Korean culture, the people's struggles and reasons for immigrating to American shores.

______________. Chinese: Recent American Immigrant Series (August 1990). Explores aspects of Chinese culture, the people's struggles and reasons for immigrating to American shores.

______________. Eastern Europeans: Recent Immigrant Series (March 1991). Explores aspects Eastern European culture (including displaced persons and Jewish refugees), their struggles and reasons for immigrating North America.

______________. Mexicans: Recent American Immigrant Series (October 1990). Explores aspects of Mexican culture, the people's struggles and reasons for immigrating to American shores.

Freeman, Russell. Immigrant Kids. Penguin Putman Books for Young Readers. Looks at immigration via Ellis Island with the accent on life and socialization experienced by American newcomers to American shores; includes rich black and white photography.

Maestro, Betsy. Coming to America: The Story of Immigration Scholastic, Inc., New York, New York (1999). A child-friendly resource that accentuates real-life issues faced by newcomers to America, i.e., language barriers, culture shock, and cultural/social isolation.

Thompson, Gare. We Came Through Ellis Island: the Immigrant Adventures of Emmar Markowitz. Russian Jews flee religious persecution in their homeland, immigrating to the U.S. for religious/political asylum.

Winter, Max. The Statue of Liberty. Newbridge Educational Publishing, New York (2001). A non-fictional work regarding the origins and creation of the Statue of Liberty.

Yin. Coolies. Philomel Books, New York. Often unheralded view of Chinese emigrants' quest experience re: the 1845–1851 building of the transcontinental railroad system.


Immigration - Ellis Island: The Journey to America. An on-line overview of the history of immigration provided by the Teach Tolerance organization (accessed May 5, 2012). The Statue of Liberty/Ellis Island Foundation. Ellis Island timeline (accessed June 7, 2012). The Peopling of America. The Statue of Liberty/Ellis Island Foundation. Reveals statistical information regarding the influx of diverse ethnic groups via Ellis Island (accessed July 12, 2012). Angel Island: Immigrant Journeys of Chinese Americans. Includes historical essays and photographic images re: Chinese immigrants detained on Angel Island (accessed July 12, 2012). Angel Island Immigration Foundation official website. Includes virtual tour, contact resources, images of author/illustrator Millie Lee and Yangsook Choi and their recent collaborative effort on behalf of Asian immigrants, and more (accessed June 7, 2012). Background information on the Chinese Exclusion Act (accessed July 13, 2012). Angel Island photographic images (accessed July 15, 2012). A historical view of the island and activities occurring thereon. (accessed July 10, 2012).

The Human Face of Immigration. A look at stereotypes and bias regarding immigrant populations (accessed May 5, 2012). Immigration in New York City, Fordham University Archives (accessed July 15, 2012). United States Citizenship and Immigration Services Mock Naturalization Self-Test (accessed July 8, 2012). Digital History: The Chinese Exclusion Act. Highlights background details regarding the 10-year restrictive immigration law targeted at Chinese newcomers (accessed April 20, 2012). Racism and the law as it pertained to Blacks, Native Americans, Asians Americans and other non-whites as affirmed by the California Supreme Court during the mid 1800s (accessed April 20, 2012). Stanford Encyclopedia on Philosophy: Race. Examines the definition of race from a philosophical and scientific standpoint (accessed May 5, 2012). A Lovely World Virtual Tour. Visual images of select countries and cities from around the world. Note that this is not an all-inclusive website in that not all countries within our global community are represented (accessed April 20, 2012). Background info re: Charleston, South Carolina's Sullivan Island (accessed June 30, 2012).


Mondo Non-Fictional Info Pair Resources

Journal of a New Citizen Info Card No. 8B, Grade 3, Level N

Citizenship Q&A Info Card, Grade 3, Level N


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