The Scientific Method
The steps to the scientific method can vary based on grade level and individual needs. The following is a list which includes all the steps in correct order. First develop a question, and use this question to develop a hypothesis. The hypothesis should be in the form of a statement. The next step is to predict how you will prove or disprove your hypothesis. Once you have a prediction you will test or perform an experiment to discover whether your hypothesis is correct. Finally once you have all your results you will analyze your data to determine the outcome of your experiments.
As a teacher, I practice a form of the scientific method in the classroom. I observe and evaluate the needs of our students, and predict ways I can meet those needs. Then I test to see if the needs are met. If the need is met I move on to the next skill, and if not we reassess to create a new prediction or plan. I continually evaluate whether what I am doing is working and make changes accordingly continually adjusting my practice to meet student's needs. However, my understanding of the scientific method was much more rigid. I did not realize the constant flow of research, evaluation, and adjusting that can and should happen in the scientific method. It should also be mentioned that through this research I have found various steps in the scientific method; some have more than I outline here and some omit a step or two.
The formulation of a question is the first step in any scientific journey. The eye opening moment for me was there is truly no end to the scientist's journey. Even when an answer is found for a scientist it is simply a means to look for the next question. But what question? How do you know what to ask? The simple answer is you research, read, and observe the world and your environment. When you find something that is interesting you look at what information is available or already known. What have other scientists found to be true or false? What information is not already known about your topic? It is in the unknown that scientists look.
From the original question and subsequent research a hypothesis is formed. A hypothesis is simply a guess about how something will work. It is a reworking of the question into a statement. It should state what the outcome of an experiment will be. For my second graders I would give them a fill in the blank sentence like; If I __write the action you will do____, then ___write what you think will happen___. It will be important for me to remind my students not to be afraid to guess. A scientist is just as happy to prove something wrong as they are to prove something right.
Once the hypothesis is formed it is important to return to the research you have already done and then allow the hypothesis to guide you through more research and observation to devise a prediction. The prediction is how you will prove your hypothesis. You can have more than one prediction to work through, but it is important to note that once a hypothesis and a prediction are complete they should not be changed. Otherwise you will not be able to prove if your hypothesis is right or wrong.
Now it is time for the "fun" part: the test or experiment. At this point students will add to their known research by recording what they observe from the testing. This gives them the data or information to be able to prove their hypothesis true or false. From the experiment students will analyze their data and draw a conclusion stating what their experiment has told them about the hypothesis. It is at this point the scientist could go back and try a different procedure; the more data or "proof" you have to back up your hypothesis the better.
Although these are the steps in the scientific method I want to stress the fact that this is not the end of the journey. For a scientist it is only the means to ask another question and then begin the quest for more information.