Works Cited
Adler, Mary, and Eija Rougle. Building literacy through classroom discussion: research-based strategies for developing critical readers and thoughtful writers in middle school. New York: Scholastic Inc., 2005. This book is geared more toward middle school students but can be helpful when working on implementing classroom discussion.
Firestein, Stuart. Ignorance: how it drives science. New York: Oxford University Press, 2012.This book gave me a better understanding of why questions are important and how the journey to find the answer is what scientific thinking is about.
Klentschy, Michael P.. Using Science Notebooks in Elementary Classrooms. Arlington: National Science Teachers Association (NSTA), 2008.This book lays out how to incorporate science notebooks into you classroom in a step by step easy to follow format.
Kriete, Roxann, and Lynn Bechtel. The morning meeting book. 2nd ed. Greenfield, MA: Northeast Foundation for Children, 2002. This book focuses on how to guide students into meaningful classroom discussions.
Pearce, Charles R.. Nurturing inquiry: real science for the elementary classroom. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann, 1999. This book explains how to incorporate Inquiry into a classroom setting.
Roberts, Royston M.. Serendipity: accidental discoveries in science. New York: Wiley, 1989. This book contains short descriptions of how various scientific discoveries were made accidentally.
Scheckel, Larry. Ask your science teacher: answers to everyday questions. Lexington, KY: Larry Scheckel, 2011. A compilation of articles about questions students have regarding science and their answers. It is a good resource to show students the variety in questions that can be asked.
Tolman, Marvin N.. Hands-on life science activities for grades K-8. West Nyack, N.Y.: Parker Pub. Co., 1996. Ideas for classroom activities can be useful when trying to help students in the inquiry process.
Tomecek, Steve. Sandwich bag science: 25 easy, hands-on activities that teach key concepts in physical, earth, and life sciences— and meet the science standards. New York: Scholastic, 2006. Activities that can be used to help lead students through inquiry projects.