Picture Writing


  1. Unit Guide
  1. Overview
  2. Rationale
  3. Objectives
  4. Background
  5. Strategies
  6. Activities
  7. Performance
  8. Bibliography: Resources for Teachers and Students
  9. Appendix A
  10. Notes

Seeing Oedipus Rex: Using the Chorus to Understand the Tragedy

Sara Delman

Published September 2013

Tools for this Unit:


My objective in teaching this unit is to give students a solid understanding of the role and function of the chorus in Oedipus Rex. I want them to be able to discuss the story and the messages therein and be able to analyze the differences in the ways in which we read and interpret the play and the ways in which it was interpreted by ancient Greeks. Before any discussion can happen, students need to understand the chorus and its role and meaning. My hope is that once they have more background information as well as the chance to compare and contrast ancient and modern choruses, each one of them will have a platform to start a discussion from.

Part of this discussion should be focused on looking at the play from the viewpoint of the ancient Greeks. This objective is important for students because there are many ways to view this play, and I want them to be able to look for more than just one way to interpret it. Although the AP exam is what we are ostensibly preparing for, I believe that looking at the text from different points of view will prepare them for college.

I also want students to be able to use this background knowledge and the class discussions to be able to analyze the play in essay form. A big part of the AP Literature course is timed writing in preparation for the AP exam at the end of the year, so I want students to practice timed writes as well as other writing strategies.

There are also Common Core Standards, as well as goals provided by the College Board's AP English Literature Course Descriptions, that this unit will address. (See appendix.)


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