This will be the culminating activity of the unit. I will divide the class into two groups of sixteen students each. Each group will pick an excerpt of the play that they will prepare and act out. Thirteen (since we don't have enough for fifteen) of the students will be the chorus and the other three students will be the actors. The task is to change the original language into modern language but to keep all of the meaning and the messages intact. The length will need to be about one act.
Students will have to work together to divide up the act and interpret and change the language into a modern style. I'm planning this as the culminating activity because at this point they hopefully have a good handle on the play as well as on the messages of the chorus. This activity pulls together the chorus-chunking activity as well as all of the work they will have done in class interpreting the play. Once they have changed the language, they will turn their versions in to me so I can be sure they have understood and kept the meaning of the original text. Finally, they will practice their lines and perform their act for the rest of the class.
Janell Smith
January 29, 2017 at 5:29 pmGreat Resource
I am currently taking a freshman level literature course at Francis Marion. We are studying the play Oedipus the King. During my research I happened upon this site. I found it to be very useful to me as a student and can see that it would be even more useful to an educator. I am surprised this is the first comment. I believe there are ways to get this website introduced more broadly. This should be the priority. Having great info with no audience is worse than a waste of time.