Appendix A
Implementing District Standards
This unit addresses the California State Standards for English Language Arts and Math, Physical and Earth Sciences, Next Generation Science Standards, California Department of Education English Language Development Standards, and Common Core Standards. The following briefly explains the science standards that are most specific to this unit and how they are implemented.
The California State Standards for Physical Sciences 1.c are addressed in this unit. They state that, "Students know water left in an open container evaporates (goes into the air) but water in a closed container does not." Students will experiment with this in the precipitation project. Earth Sciences 3.b. is addressed. It states that, "Students know changes in weather occur from day to day and across seasons, affecting Earth and its inhabitants." This standard is what students will address in their culminating project of presenting a weather report, including the type of weather and recommendations for clothing to wear, food to eat, and activities in which to participate. They will also compare local weather to that in another part of the world.
The Next Generation Science Standards: K-ESS2-1 and K-ESS3-2 are addressed in this unit. K-ESS2-1 states that, "Students use and share observations of local weather conditions to describe patterns over time." They will do this by maintaining and discussing their weather graphs throughout the span of the unit. K-ESS3-2 states that students "ask questions to obtain information about the purpose of weather forecasting to prepare for, and respond to, severe weather." Students will address this in their culminating project of presenting a weather report.
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