Guide Entry to 13.04.07
In this unit, high school students will solidify their understanding of sociological research methods and implement them in individual authentic situations. They will focus on the guiding questions: What is the sociology of the art of the dining out experience? What are the social research methods that sociologists use to collect data including their strengths, and limitations? How do sociologists justify the importance of their research? In collecting data, how do we make the invisible visible? Following the Common Core Standards to integrate knowledge and ideas, students will actively participate in an action project in which they will synthesize Internet resources (documents) they have collected, observations and interviews they have conducted, and field notes they have written to answer the question: In collecting data, how do I make the invisible visible? This unit is collaborative in nature in that students in different schools will work together through the use of Google Docs and Blogs, to focus on developing their technological skills necessary for college or the work place.
(Developed for Dual-Enrollment Sociology, grades 11-12; recommended for Sociology or another course regarding Research Methods, High School grades 11-12)