We will end by discussing conservation as one of the strategies we can do right away to save on energy. I will invite personnel from Tulsa Public Schools to the discussion since, in the month of June of 2013, our school district made headline news because of the energy savings during the school year 2011-2012. Right after, we will take the Energy Quiz in the EIA Energy Kids website and compare with the one students took at the beginning of the unit.
As an epilogue activity, students will reexamine their energy consumption charts and discuss what conservation initiatives they can start right away at home. We will write them down and keep them posted in the classroom, and throughout the year we will evaluate our progress. If new ideas arise, we will include them, and if some prove inefficient and impractical at the moment, they will be deleted.
A second major goal is to make this a cross-curricular unit. Thus, in Social Studies/History when we study the British Colonies in the New World, we will look at energy and the survival of the colony of Jamestown; in Language Arts, I will use the fiction and non-fiction books of the unit to teach reading strategies and comprehension; and in writing, I will address essay development over time while the students keep working on their Energy Journals. I will also integrate our Math objectives throughout in computation, data collection and graphing while we are doing the Science activities.