Energy: definition, sources and storage
In this section, it is important for students to conceptualize energy. We will have a brainstorming session, followed by discussion and questions; they will also be encouraged to find different forms of energy around them. I will present the example of a car and where the power to run it comes from. This will allow me to guide the discussion to sources of energy, and the terms renewable and nonrenewable. We will then take the Energy Quiz in the EIA Energy Kids website (this quiz can be taken at the end of the unit to show students' gains and/or needs.) After the quiz, they will be given cards with sources of energy and, in small groups, will classify them in renewables and nonrenewables. It is important that students differentiate between sources of energy and types of energy (heat, chemical, electrical, mechanical, light, and sound.) A discussion and some examples will clarify the distinction.
In a later session, through a series of short investigations, students deduce that energy is stored, transforms and that it can be carried from one place to another by electric current, waves or moving objects. Depending on the availability of resources, teachers can have stations or demonstrate for the whole class, using student volunteers. In the first investigation, students learn that potential energy stored in batteries can make things work (flashlight, motor, toy, cell phone, etc.) In the second one, students perform some work and reason that their potential energy comes from the food they eat; in the third investigation, a candle is lit and the discussion is led so students find out that wax is a type of fuel that produces heat and light; and, in a final investigation students rub their hands together, create heat and learn about friction. From these activities, the teacher can also guide students to understand kinetic energy as energy moving to an active mode from a resting or potential mode. This session should end with students understanding the concept that energy is the capacity to do work and see this occurring in all living things.
Later, I will read the book "Pass the Energy, Please" which shows how the food chain depends on plants, and energy accumulated in them. I want to establish that initial connection about energy, sun and plants (apart from energy's interdependence with every living organism) for the next discussion on fossil fuels.