The Human Cell: Anatomy and Function
The cell is the microscopic unit of all living organisms. We have 50,000,000,000,000 (50 trillion) cells in our body. Through its evolution, the human cell has become a highly developed, complex structure of organized systems (see Figure 1). This cell is able to reproduce, respond to stimuli, maintain homeostasis, grow, and adapt to the environment. 1 A double bilayer membrane surrounds the cell like a wall. This membrane enables the cell to regulate the flow of water and materials through this membrane. The cell is filled with a fluid called cytosol allowing the organelles to float. In addition to the organelles, many proteins float in the cytosol controlling cell metabolism. Cytoplasm is the term used to describe the cytosol and all the organelles floating within it. Each organelle is encased in its own membrane, has a unique structure and a specific function. 2
Figure 1 A Human Cell
Schematic diagram of the human cell illustrating the structure and position of the organelles within the cell structure.