Works Cited
Beinecke Staff. 1996. "Guide to the Randolph Linsly Simpson African American Collection." Yale University Library. May. Accessed July 14, 2014.
Carbone, Teresa A., Patricia Hills, Jane Weiss, Sarah Burns, and Anne C. Rose. 1999. Eastman Johnson Painting America. Edited by Teresa A. Carbone. New York: Rizzoli International Publications, Inc.
Common Core State Standards Initiative. 2014. "English Language Arts-Literacy." Common Core State Standards Initiative. Accessed June 03, 2014.
Crowe, Eyre. 1853. After the Sale: Slaves Going South From Richmond. Chicago History Museum, Chicago.
Johnson, Eastman. 1866. Fiddling His Way. The Chrysler Museum of Art, Norfolk.
Johnson, Eastman. circa 1866. Fiddling His Way. Collection of Howard and Melinda Godel.
Keene, Jennifer D. 2009. "Images of Racial Pride: African American Propaganda Posters in the First World War." In Picture This: World War I Posters and Visual Culture, edited by Pearl James, 207-240. Lincoln & London: University of Nebraska Press.
Klein, Jennifer, and Elizabeth Stuart. 2013. Using Art to Teach Reading Comprehension Strategies. Lanham, MD; New York; Toronto; Plymouth. U.K.: Rowman & Littlefield Education.
Matteson, Tompkins H. 1855. The Spirit That Won the War. Chrysler Museum of Art, Norfolk.
McInnis, Maurie D. 2011. Slaves Waiting for Sale: Abolitionist Art and the American Slave Trade. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Patchet, Ann. 2012. "The New York Times Opinion Pages." The New York Times. April 17. Accessed July 12, 2014.
Simpson, Randolph Linsly, comp. n.d. "African American Collection." New Haven: Yale Beineke Rare Book and Manuscript Library. Box 11, Folders 361, 367, 811, 813.
Trumbull, John. 1786. The Death of General Warren at the Battle of Bunker's Hill, June 17, 1775. Yale University Art Gallery, New Haven. Accessed July 27, 2014.