Understanding History and Society through Images, 1776-1914


  1. Unit Guide
  1. Introduction
  2. Rationale
  3. Unit Overview
  4. Background and Content Objectives
  5. The Role of Artwork and Primary Documents
  6. Instructional Strategies
  7. Activities
  8. Resources
  9. Appendix
  10. Bibliography
  11. Notes

Power and the Machine: A Visual Examination of Class and Gender through the Industrial Revolution

William Miles Greene

Published September 2014

Tools for this Unit:


1. Hamel, Gary "Capitalism is Dead. Long Live Capitalism" The Wall Street Journal September 21, 2010

2. Tim Barringer, "Understanding History and Society through Images, 1776-1914" (seminar, Yale National Initiative: Yale University, New Haven, CT, July 14 th, 2014)

3. Dublin Thomas, Women at Work (New York: Columbia University Press, 1979), 4

4. Dublin, 3

5. Dublin, 3

6. Dublin, 5

7. Dublin, 4

8. Dublin, 4

9. Dublin, 1

10. Robinson Harriet H., "Early Factory Labor in New England" in Massachusetts Bureau of Statistics of Labor, Fourteenth Annual Report (Boston: Wright & Potter, 1883) as quoted from Fordham University. Modern History Sourcebook Industrial Revolution. September 22, 1997.

11. Ware Norman. The Industrial Worker 1840-1860 (Chicago: Elephant Paperbacks, 1990), 10

12. Ware, 14

13. New York Daily Tribune, Nov. 14, 1850 as quoted in Ware, 31

14. Ware, 31

15. Curtis Dr. Josiah, Brief Remarks on the Hygiene in Massachusetts (Philadelphia, 1840) pg.5 as quoted in Ware, 14

16. Dr. Henry Clark, 1849, Document number 66, Report of the Committee on Internal Health, Ware, 13

17. Chadwick Edwin, Report from the Poor Law Commissioners on an Inquiry into the Sanitation Conditions of the Labouring Population of Great Britain (London, 1842) 369-372 as sourced by Fordham University. Modern History Sourcebook

18. Chadwick, 369-372

19. Chadwick, 369-372

20. Chadwick, 369-372

21. Chadwick, 369-372

22. Ware, 16

23. Pennsylvania: Bureau of Industrial Statistics, Annual Report, 1882 Leg. Doc. 8, "Labor Troubles in Pennsylvania" pg. 262 as quoted in Ware, 27

24. Dublin, 27

25. Ware, 59

26. Ware, 64

27, Ware, 64

28. Gaskell P, The Manufacturing Population of England (London, 1833) pg. 161-162, 202-203 as sourced by Fordham University. Modern History Sourcebook

29. Bayard Faithfull, "Four Reads: learning to Read Primary Documents" Teaching History. 2010

30. Bayard Faithfull, "Four Reads: learning to Read Primary Documents"

31. Bayard Faithfull, "Four Reads: learning to Read Primary Documents"

32. Bayard Faithfull, "Four Reads: learning to Read Primary Documents"

33. Bayard Faithfull, "Four Reads: learning to Read Primary Documents"

34. Bayard Faithfull, "Four Reads: learning to Read Primary Documents"


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