Something Missing: Basic Needs.
Eisenberg students come to school for not only an education, but also for safety and nutrition. Less than five miles south of Wilmington, Delaware, the school is situated in the town of New Castle, while considered suburban, lies on the edge of a very dangerous city. According to an analysis of the FBI's uniformed crime report, Wilmington was the third most violent of 450 cities of comparable size in 2012. It's the eighth most violent city of nearly 750 cities with a population of over 50,000. 11 The Colonial School District serves approximately 10,000 students and has 8 elementary schools, 3 middle schools, one high school and two special needs schools. My school, Harry O. Eisenberg Elementary, embraces approximately 550 students. Over 80% of the students are characterized as living in a low income household, approximately 70% of the students are minorities, 20% are English Language Learners and over 10% are designated as requiring Special Education services. My building has a certified special education teacher assigned to each grade level. Our guidance counselor, school psychologist and family crisis therapist meet with students individually and in groups to discuss life changes. Through state and local donations, students can receive free backpacks and winter coats. The family crisis therapist also maintains a food pantry housed in our school building and with the support of the Food Bank of Delaware provides a local location to serve our students' families. Based on the large number of those who qualify, our entire school population receives free breakfast, lunch and a fruit or vegetable snack every day. I am proud to work in a district that strives to go beyond educating to meet the basic needs of our students.