Alford, Keith A.. "Cultural themes in rites of passage: Voices of young African American males." Journal of African American Studies 7, no. 1 (2003): 3-26. (accessed July 10, 2014).
Alford looks at the problems among young African American males with low self-esteem and a lack of ethnic identity and the healthy rituals to buoy them. He Looks at unhealthy replacements and a specific prescription to address the problem.
Allen, Frederick Lewis. "The Other Side of the Tracks." In The Big change. New York: Bantam Books, 1961. 51-55.
A 1950s history of the changes in America culture and economy at the turn of the 20th century. It filled in a few historical gaps for me.
New York Daily Times (1851-1857), "Article 15 (no title)," November 26, 1852. (accessed July 11, 2014).
Primary source to go along with the wanted add looking for Harriet Jacobs, runaway slave. Who can tell our stories?
Cisneros, Sandra. The House on Mango Street. New York: Vintage Books, 1991.
Crane, Stephen . "Chapter 1." In Maggie: A Girl of the Streets and Other Short Ficton. New York: Bantam Dell, 2006. 3-6.
Delaney, CH. ""Rites of Passage in Adolescence"." Adolescence 30, no. 120 (1995): 891.
Ebsco Host (accessed July 10, 2014).
This article looks into rites of passage in several cultures, then more appositely to self and peer initiations as well as African American and Anglo American rites of passage programs. This piece introduced me to literature as initiation.
Edenton, N.C. . "Harriet Jacobs Documents: Advertisement for the capture of Harriet Jacobs." Harriet Jacobs Documents: Advertisement for the capture of Harriet Jacobs. (accessed July 14, 2014).
Gergen, Mary M., and Kenneth J. Gergen. "Narratives in action." Narrative Inquiry 16, no. 1 (2006): 112-121.
4030-bc89-791a93b5e1dd%40sessionmgr4004&vid=11&hid=4206 (accessed
July 15, 2014).
This explores the efficacy of narrative in conflict resolution, psychotherapy, and organizational change. Of greater importance to me is their exploration why narrative so effective as an agent of change. I include their clear explanation.
Gifoyle, Timothy. A Pickpocket's Tale: the Underworld of Nineteenth Century New York. Nook edition. Reprint, New York: W.W. Norton & Company, 2007.
I read this quickly before the last draft of my unit. George Appo's life is rich with additional stories that might be of use in the unit. An interesting accompaniment to Jacob Riis's How the Other Half Lives.
Grossman, James R.. Land of hope: Chicago, Black southerners, and the Great Migration. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1989.
Harris, Leslie M. . "8-9." In In the Shadow of Slavery: African Americans in New York City, 1626-1863. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 2003. 247-287.
These two chapters look at the issue of amalgamation and the consequences of being black in New York, mid 19th century.
Harvey, A. R., and J. B. Rauch. "A Comprehensive Afrocentric Rites of Passage Program for Black Male Adolescents." Health & Social Work 22, no. 1 (1997): 30-37. (accessed July 12, 2014).
This article was one of many that reported on the trend of Afrocentric rite of passage programs, including the MAAT program, and how they work.
Hernandez, Ingrid , Fermin Mendoza, Mario Lio, Jirayut Latthi, and Catharine Eusebio. "Things I'll Never Say: Stories of Growing Up Undocumented in the United States." Harvard Educational Review 81, no. 3 (2011): 500-507. Ebsco Host (accessed July 9, 2014).
A collection of autobiographical narratives written by undocumented youth in America. Their stories, collected by an advocacy group, trace the collective challenges from their physical, emotional, and cultural journeys an provides a public voice for the silent. I use this print edition for classroom use for ease in the classroom, but the website is worth exploring.
History of Tha Streetz, Oklahoma T-Town 2 the City. Film. Directed by unknown unknown. unknown: and M.E.R.K. Entertainmet, 2014.
I found this on Youtube as a counter to the 1950 documentary about Tulsa. This time the subject is economically and gang-challenged North Tulsa. It encourages the questioning about who tells our stories and their authenticity.
Jacobs, Harriet. "29, 30." In Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1987. 148-158.
Larson, Scott, and Lloyd Martin. "Risk Taking and Rites of Passage." Reclaiming Children & Youth 20, no. 4 (2012): 37-40. Websco Host (accessed July 9, 2014).
This brief article looks at how today's youth often lack a healthy coming of age ritual, present in so many other cultures. In its void they may replace it with risk-taking behaviors. I was interested in this part; less so for my unit with their analysis of how to correct the problem and how it occurred.
Merten, Don E.. "Transitions and "Trouble"." Anthropology <html_ent ascii="&" glyph="@amp;" /> Education Quarterly 36, no. 2 (2005): 132-148. (accessed July 10, 2014).
This is interesting as it looks at the perils of an adolescence that is void of meaningful rites of passage, specifically among supposedly well-adjusted teenaged girls in a financially secure suburban community.
Montiero, Lorri . "Family Stories from the Trail of Tears." American Native Press Archives and Sequoya Research Center. (accessed July 12, 2014).
To add a local dimension, I researched African American migrants from the
south to what was then Indian Territory. These very interesting personal
narratives, taken down as part of the WPA Federal Writers Project. I intend to use the stories of Mary Hill and Josephine Usray Lattimer.
Morris, Edmund. "The Treason of the Senate." In Theodore Rex. New York: Random House, 2001. 437-8.
This chapter includes explanation of how the timing of The Jungle helped to pass the Pure Food Bill.
Peiss, Kathy Lee. "Dance Madness." Cheap Amusements: Working Women and Leisure in Turn-of-the-Century New York. Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1986. 88-114.
Pitti, Stephen. "Policies affecting Mexican immigration." Class lecture, Immigration and Migration and the Making of a Modern American City from Yale National Institute for Teachers, New Haven, CT, July 15, 2014.
Riis, Jacob. How the Other Half Lives: A Jacob Riis Classic. U.S.A:, 2010.
Rogers-Adkinson, Diana, Kristine Molloy, Shannon Stuart, Lynn Fletchr, and Claudia Rinaldi. "Reading and Written Language Competency of Incarcerated Youth." Reading and Writing Quarterly 24, no. 2 (2008): 197-218. (accessed July 11, 2012).
Based on their sound research on literacy as an antidote to incarceration, I have depended on their criteria for my classroom text selection for the last two years.
Sanchez, George J.. Becoming Mexican American: ethnicity, culture, and identity in Chicano Los Angeles, 1900-1945. New York: Oxford University Press, 1993.
Secret, Mosi. "On the Brink in Brownsville." New York Times, May 4, 2014, sec. Magazine.
Thomas, Piri. Down These Mean Streets. 1967. Reprint, New York: Random House, 1997.
Tulsa, Oklahoma. Film. Directed by Victor D. Solow. unknown: United States Information Service, Cities in America Series, 2011.
This is one of two films I'll use to set the frame for discussion to introduce the unit: Who's story is this? Who is missing and what does that mean? It presents an all-white city whose story is without social conflict.
Wright, Richard. In Black boy: (American hunger): a Record of Childhood and Youth. New York: Perennial Classics, 1998. 3-35.
Yezierska, Anzia. Bread Givers. New York: Persea Books , 2003.
This novel, first published in 1925, is the story of an impoverished Russian Jewish immigrant girl and her family. It has vivid illustrations of life on Hester Street, earl 20th century. A good read for variety of ages.