

  1. Unit Guide
  1. Introduction
  2. Objectives
  3. Rationale
  4. Background
  5. Strategies
  6. Classroom Activities
  7. Annotated Bibliography
  8. Appendix
  9. Notes

From Insurgent Listener to Word Warrior: Self-advocating through Spoken Word

Cheree Marie Charmello

Published September 2014

Tools for this Unit:


A. Standards

B. I am not an object by Charlotte Murphy

C. I am not

D. Introductory/Modeled Speech

E. Rubric

Appendix A


As I developed this unit, I truly began to understand the potency of Common Core, and in turn, also began to understand the damage that a scripted curriculum can do. There is no possible way that, prior to knowing each student as an individual, you can set a curricular design in stone. There must be some level of flexibility. Common Core suggests the imbedding of skill acquisition—leaving space for choice; alternative texts, methodology, or otherwise. This unit covers Common Core Standards: CC.1.2.8.F Analyze the influence of the words and phrases in a text including figurative, connotative, and technical meanings, and how they shape meaning and tone; CC.1.2.8.H Evaluate an author's argument, reasoning, and specific claims for the soundness of the arguments and the relevance of the evidence; CC.1.2.8.L Read and comprehend literary nonfiction and informational text on grade level, reading independently and proficiently; CC.1.2.8.L Read and comprehend literary nonfiction and informational text on grade level, reading independently and proficiently; CC.1.4.8.C Develop and analyze the topic with relevant, well-chosen facts, definitions, concrete details, quotations, or other information and examples; include graphics and multimedia when useful to aiding comprehension; CC.1.4.8.T With some guidance and support from peers and adults, develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning, revising, editing, rewriting, or trying a new approach, focusing on how well purpose and audience have been addressed; CC.1.5.8.G Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English when speaking based on Grade 8 level and content.

Appendix B

    I am not an object
    Charlotte B. Murphy
    I am not an object.
    I am not a robot crafted
    for the sole purpose of turning you on.
    It is not my duty in life
    to entertain people like you.
    Because I am not an object.
    I am a complex string of emotions and thoughts.
    I can love and I can hate
    I can feel sad and I can cry I am ALLOWED to cry
    And nobody will ever take that right away from me
    Because I am not an object
    I do not exist to entertain you
    I do not have to wear make up
    I am allowed to wear make up
    I do not have to shave
    I am allowed to shave
    But if you ever try to
    make me feel like there is something wrong with me
    For thinking this way
    For acting this way
    For looking this way
    Then there is something wrong with you
    And you need to change your attitude.
    I am not an object.
    I do not exist for
    your pleasure and my needs are allowed
    to be important to me because no one can ever love me
      more than I can.
    And if you try to dehumanize me and make me think that
    my needs aren't important then I will be even more
      self-obsessed because since when do you care so much?
    I am allowed to care about myself.
    To me my needs will always come before the wants of a 
    self-righteous misogynistic society such as yourself
      because no one can ever love me more than I can and 
      if you try to make me feel wrong for loving myself then there
      is something wrong with you and you need to change your attitude.
    Because I am not an object.
    I am a complex string of emotions and thoughts
    I can love and I can hate
    I can feel sad and I can cry I am ALLOWED to cry
    And no one can ever take that right away from me
    I am a strong independent smart beautiful human being
    I am a woman
    And if you ever try to make me feel
    wrong for that then you're wrong
    You need to change your attitude.
    I am not a mate
    I am not a creature with my sole purpose being to reproduce
    I can have children.
    I don't have to have children.
    But if you ever try to make me feel wrong
    for either decision then you are wrong.
    You need to change your attitude.
    I am not an idiot.
    Wearing low cut tops is not "asking for unwanted attention"
    I am allowed to feel good about myself
    and if you can't control yourself that is your own damn problem
    But know this
    If you ever try to lay a hand on me in a way that I am not ok with I will
    Take. You. Down.
    Because my needs will always come before
    the wants of a self-righteous misogynistic society such as yourself and
      if you try to make me feel wrong for that then you're wrong
    You need to change your attitude
    I am not a bystander.
    I will not stand idly by as you strip my rights away
    The right to choose what I wear
    The right to an abortion
    The right to be paid as much as a man
    who wishes he could be as awesome as I am.
    I am not a bystander.
    I am not an idiot
    I am not a mate
    I am not an object
    I am a complex string of emotions and thoughts
    I can love and I can hate
    I can feel sad and I can cry I am ALLOWED to cry
    And no one can ever take that right away from me
    Because I am not an object
    I am a strong independent smart beautiful human being
    I am a woman
    And if you ever try to make me feel
    wrong for that then you're wrong
    You need to change your attitude.

Appendix C

    I am not: A Spoken Word Performance by Teona Collier, Adia Hearns-Boyd, and Ciara Sing.


    I am not ugly.

    Everyone has their own idea of beauty. I am not that. (In unison)

    I am not anyone else's idea of beauty.

    (Adia) I am not the girl with the long hair
    that all the guys want. I am not the curvy girls you see in all of
    the commercials. I am still a caterpillar
    in its cocoon growing its wings, waiting to fly. I'm not the naps you
    see when you look at me. (In unison) Just
    like naps, I seem to mold into different shapes. (Ciara) I never got my
    hair perfectly straight. But instead,
    it's a 'Fro with tight curls extending down my back. I'm not a size zero,
    and I'm definitely not (In unison) the
    Barbie doll that you played with when you were a kid. (Teona) I am not
    white. I am not black. I am brown. The
    color of unbleached flour. (In unison) Original and unmodified. (Ciara) I'm
    not the x in a box labeled as other. I'm not an Oreo.
    I'm not a mulatto or random paint splatters on the wall.
    (Adia) I'm not a dirty tissue that you can leave
    your mark on and then throw it away. I'm not defined by my skin.
    Each scar tells a story—a story of insecurities,
    of crying because I can't be beautiful as everyone else
    seems to be. Like everyone else, it's not my fault
    my only curve is my smile. (Teona) I strive for something
    greater than my situation. Never mind illiteracy,
    because, literally, it does not define me. I am not the struggle
    by any means, but I want to step out of my own ghetto.
    (In unison) I am beautiful. My own beautiful

Appendix D

(Display "Gifted" image behind you.) (Allegory)

Which one of us has not been labeled? Judged unfairly? (Rhetorical Question)

I'll bet life and limb (Alliteration/Consonance) that your downcast eyes give me the answer that I already knew—

Not one. Not one of us (Anaphora) has escaped. We've all endured—some considerably more than others—the ones society holds at arm's length [motion hands forward]—we've all been judged.

I ask you to trust me and close your eyes. I assure you that I won't run out. I won't send weird texts from your phone.

Now, think about the core of who you are—that truth by which you WISH to be judged. What is your real character? [Give pause.]

As you think, choose a word, just one word that represents you. [Give pause, place lanyard/pen.]

Open your eyes. Write your word, placing it around your neck, but keep your word inward—toward your heart. [Wait for each to wear it.]

Struggle is this—the inward facing word—what you want people to see and hear that judgment aims to silence. (Metaphor)

Who will turn their word first, setting it free aloud? (Nod to each in succession.)

Rhetoric is about well-worn words. [Metaphor] Spoken Word is about auditory liberty, or the freedom to speak about who you really are and what you really deserve. Together you're fully dressed. This is what I want you to know, own, and teach others. I'm here to work alongside of you.

(Teacher turns over her word to reveal 'student'.)

Appendix E



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