Appendix B – Resources and Bibliography
Illustrative Mathematics website ( is a rich source of problems. The website can be searched by grade level and by CCSS-M standard. I found several tasks for Function Composition and Inverses by searching in "HS Functions."
I found some tasks on the NCTM Illuminations website ( Search on Common Core Math Standards, grades 9-12, "function composition."
I found several lessons that I will use or adapt by searching on the Better Lessons website under the Common Core tab, under HS Functions, Building Functions (or others) (
Boas, Ralph. "Inverse Functions." The College Mathematics Journal 16, no. 1 (1985):
42-47. (accessed July 8, 2014).
Edenfield, Kelly. "The Common Core and Inverse Functions." Mathematics Teacher
105, no. 9 (2012): 672-676. Justification for teaching inverses despite being a
CCSS-M (+) topic; they are necessary for coherence.
Faulkenberry, Eileen Durand, and Thomas J. Faulkenberry. "Transforming the Way
We Teach Function Transformations." Mathematics Teacher 104, no. 1 (2010):
29-33. Demonstrates the use of transparencies to demonstrate the difference
between transformations of the input versus the output variable.
Garman, Brian. "Inverse Functions, Rubik's Cube, and Algebra." The Mathematics
Teacher 78, no. 1 (1985): 33-34, 68. (accessed
July 8, 2014).
Hall, Becky, and Rich Giacin. "Exploring Function Transformations Using the
Common Core." Mathematics Teacher 107, no. 2 (2013): 132-137. Connects
function transformations to geometric transformations.
Hillen, Amy, and LuAnn Malik. "Sorting Out Ideas about Functions." Mathematics
Teacher 106, no. 7 (2013): 526-533. Describes a sorting activity to strengthen the
concept and definition of function.
Hurwitz, Marsha. "Understanding the Composites." The Mathematics Teacher 89, no.
2 (1996): 116-117. Includes tasks to practice composition of functions.
Ronau, Robert N., Dan Meyer, and Terry Crites. Putting Essential Understanding of
Functions into Practice. Reston, Va.: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics,
2014. Provides activities and scenarios for teaching functions.
Steketee, Scott, and Daniel Scher. "Using Multiple Representations to Teach
Composition of Functions." Mathematics Teacher 106, no. 4 (2012): 260-268.
Contains a sorting activity to strengthen concept, definition of function
Wilson, Frank C., Scott Adamson, Trey Cox, and Alan O'Bryan. "Inverse Functions:
What Our Teachers Didn't Tell Us." Mathematics Teacher 104, no. 7 (2011): 500-
507. Uses context to teach inverses; therefore, solve for the independent variable.