Annotated Bibliography for Teachers
Mashable. "Ancient whodunit may be solved: The microbes did it!" MIT News Office. (accessed July 12, 2014).
Mashable is a technology blog that has articles relative microbiology, genetic engineering, and other science topics.
Gunning, Thomas G., Developing higher-level literacy in all students: building reading, reasoning, and responding. Boston: Pearson/Allyn and Bacon, 2008.
This book assist teachers with reading comprehension.
Karlen, Arno. Biography of a germ. New York: Pantheon Books, 2000.
This book discusses how microbes affect the human body through infectious diseases.
Legendre, Matthieu. "30,000 Year Old Distant Relative." National Academy of Sciences. (accessed July 4, 2014).
This blog article reveals the discovery of a new giant virus frozen in Siberia.
Money, Nicholas P. The amoeba in the room: lives of the microbes. New York NY: Oxford University Press, 2014.
A fascinating book with some interesting facts about common microbes found in ponds and discusses the importance of the human microbiome.
Zimmer, Carl. A planet of viruses. Paperback ed. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 20122011.
An easy to read book that lay teacher-scientists and students can understand. Discusses how viruses affect global warming, the production of oxygen, and infectious diseases.
Common Core State Standards Initiative. "" Common Core Standards. (accessed July 11, 2014).
Core writing and reading standards related to science and science writing and projects.
Munn, C. B. Marine microbiology: ecology and applications. Second ed. New York NY: Taylor and Francis Group, 2011.
Explains research concerning microbes in the ocean.
HealthDay. "Today's Health News." Current Health News. (accessed July 13, 2014).
This blog article highlights fungus and other microbes on our bodies.
Dell'Amore, Christine. "Some 100 Species of Fungus Live on Our Feet." National Geographic. (accessed July 14, 2014).
This National Geographic article discusses research that has cataloged the types and locations of fungus and bacteria that live on human feet.
Zimmer, Carl. Microcosm: E. coli and the new science of life. New York: Pantheon Books, 2008.
Another easy to read book by Carl Zimmer which focuses on the many types of E. coli.