1. Zimmer, Carl. A planet of viruses. Paperback ed. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2011, 41.
2. Zimmer, Carl. A planet of viruses, 43.
3. Zimmer, Carl. A planet of viruses, 45.
4. Zimmer, Carl. A planet of viruses, 45.
5. Mashable. "Ancient whodunit may be solved: The microbes did it!." MIT News Office. (accessed July 12, 2014).
6. Money, Nicholas P. The amoeba in the room: lives of the microbes. New York NY: Oxford University Press, 2014.
7. Money, Nicholas P. The amoeba in the room: lives of the microbes. 137
8. Money, Nicholas P. The amoeba in the room: lives of the microbes. 134
9. Zimmer, Carl. A planet of viruses. 43.
10. Dell'Amore, Christine. "Some 100 Species of Fungus Live on Our Feet." National Geographic. (accessed July 14, 2014).
11. Dell'Amore, Christine. "Some 100 Species of Fungus Live on Our Feet." National Geographic.
12. Dell'Amore, Christine. "Some 100 Species of Fungus Live on Our Feet." National Geographic.