Literature and Information


  1. Unit Guide
  1. Introduction
  2. Rationale
  3. Student Objectives
  4. Teaching Strategies
  5. What is Dystopian Literature and Why Should We Teach It?
  6. Characteristics of Dystopian Literature
  7. Types of Dystopian Controls
  8. Themes in Dystopian Literature
  9. Why Pair Fiction and Nonfiction?
  10. Classroom Activities
  11. Bibliography
  12. Suggestions for Further Research
  13. Appendices
  14. Notes

Dystopian Societies in Adolescent Literature: Can Compliance and Freedom Coexist Peacefully In A Dark, Dystopian World?

Teresa Rush

Published September 2015

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Types of Dystopian Controls

Dystopian societies are maintained through one or more dystopian controls that oppress the weaker class in those societies. They include corporate control, bureaucratic control, technological control, and philosophical/religious control. In a dystopian society that imposes corporate control on its people, corporations have dictatorship over products, advertising, and media. Bureaucratic control involves governmental control of policies and regulations that impose on the individuality and desired lifestyle of the people. Technological control is achieved through technological means, including computers, cellphones, robots, and/or other forms of technology. A dystopian government that uses philosophical or religious control over its people, controls the beliefs and religious ideologies of its people.17


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