Using Film in the Classroom/How to Read a Film


  1. Unit Guide
  1. Introduction
  2. Rationale
  3. Content
  4. Strategies
  5. Activity 1
  6. Activity 2
  7. Activity 3
  8. Student Reading List
  9. Resources for Classroom Use
  10. Appendix
  11. Bibliography

The Visual Art of Writing

Shannon Foster-Williams

Published September 2015

Tools for this Unit:

Activity 1

Objective: Summarize film using storyboard technique to retell a story and translate those images into descriptive writing projects.  Materials: projector, images of Chinese ink drawings, 9x12inch drawing paper, black construction paper, pencil, black sharpie markers, color pencils.

Students will create three story board panels. The panels will be drawn in pencil and traced in black ink.  Students may incorporate color but it is not a requirement.  Students will also write a narrative in summary form that incorporates the visual elements of each panel, in an organized and detailed written format. Each panel should illustrate an aspect of the story or film.


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