Unit strategies / Activities
Phase One: Constructing Background Knowledge
Day One
Topic: Health and Disease
Essential Questions: What is health? How does our body maintain a state of optimal health? Can everyone maintain a state of optimal health?
Objective: To define health and describe the bodily systems that maintain homeostasis.
Standards: CCSS.ELA-Literacy. RST.11-12.9 & NGSS: MS-LS1-5
Strategies: Students will complete a health survey that will form the basis of a class discussion on heath. The discussion will focus on the definition of health as the result of the internal processes that maintain homeostasis and the external environment in which we live. Central to the discussion will the interaction of the environment and genotype. The ongoing question will be whether all people have the same ability to maintain optimal health. The goal of the unit is to determine how and why environmental factors affect human health.
Direct Instruction: I will review the concept of homeostasis as the coordinated network of bodily systems, chemical reactions, and cellular mechanisms that help maintain a state of optimal health. We will include one’s genotype, mitosis and protein synthesis as essential internal processes that maintain our health. The effect of environment on health is the central theme of this unit, thus it is important to clearly define it as all of the external factors that affect human health. This includes culture, socioeconomic status, gender, race, and personal life decisions (one’s lifestyle).
Classroom Activity: The class will complete the Health Survey questionnaire, then engage in a discussion. Answers to the survey and discussion will be used to write a narrative summary of the classwork.
EXTENSION NARRATIVE: Write a narrative in your journal. Using answers to health questionnaire and discussion notes to answer the day’s essential questions. Explain how your lifestyle and environment affect your health.
Materials: Health Survey: See Appendix B
Day Two
Topic: Bodily Systems and Homeostasis
Essential Questions: What is Homeostasis? What bodily systems help maintain homeostasis? What cellular processes help maintain homeostasis? What happens if the DNA molecule is not replicated with fidelity?
Objective: To describe the system that maintains homeostasis.
Standards: CCSS.ELA-Literacy. RST.11-12.9 and NGSS: HS-LS1-2
Strategies: The class will begin with a review of bodily systems (physiological, chemical, and cellular processes) that maintain homeostasis. The review will be conducted as a group activity, which will assess prior knowledge of these systems.
Once the review is completed, we will focus on cellular processes of DNA replication and protein synthesis since these topics are central to our analysis of how pathogens use their genomes in the process of infection or evasion of immune responses. This work will begin with an activity that explores the processes of DNA replication during mitosis.
Direct Instruction: I will display the structure of the DNA molecule, its chemical composition, the nitrogenous bases, and the base-pairing rules. I will also explain the role of the various enzymes that initiate and control the cycle (with an emphasis on the processes that end cellular replication).
Classroom Activity: The class will complete the homeostasis and bodily systems matching activity. Each group will be given a different segment of a DNA molecule to use in their modeling of DNA replication. The work will require them to explain the processes (signals and enzymes) that initiate replication and the mechanisms that end the cycle.
EXTENSION ACTIVITY: Choose any two bodily systems: predict what will happen if one of the bodily systems fails to maintain its normal state? What happens if the DNA molecule is not replicated with fidelity?
Materials: Homeostasis and bodily systems matching activity. Segments of DNA (~~ 40-50 bp).
Day Three
Topic: Protein Synthesis
Essential Questions: What occurs when errors occur in the replication or transcription of our genetic code? How does DNA direct the synthesis of proteins?
Objective: To apply base pairing rules in the translation of DNA to RNA. To apply the genetic code in the translation of RNA to amino acid sequences.
Standards: CCSS.ELA-Literacy. RST.11-12.9 and NGSS: HS-LS1-1
Strategies: A central focus of this unit is on the manner in which bacteria and viruses use their genomes to infect hosts or evade immune responses. This lesson centers on the transcription of DNA to RNA and the subsequent translation to amino acid sequences. The lesson will provide an opportunity to discuss the role that diet plays in supplying our bodies with the proper balance of amino acids. This will be the first “News You Can Use” segment of this unit. Errors in these genetic processes (either in the DNA code or in the translation to RNA) can lead to the synthesis of malformed proteins, or alterations of the cell’s structure. While variations in these genetic processes are harmful or potentially lethal in human organisms, genomic variation is one the mechanisms pathogens use to evade the immune response and increase their virulence.
Direct Instruction: I will review base pairing rules for the translation of DNA to RNA as well as the method of translating RNA base pairs to amino acids using the genetic code. I will explain the types of errors that occur in the genome, and how those errors affect protein synthesis and the cell’s ability to maintain homeostasis.
Classroom Activity: The class will use their DNA sequences from day one, to create an RNA template. Once the template is complete, the class will apply the genetic code to “synthesize” an amino acid sequence from the RNA strand. Once this activity is complete, each group will be given their original DNA sequence with one of the four errors. Students will then ‘synthesize a new protein and compare it to the correct sequence.
EXTENSION: What are the essential amino acids you need to eat each day?
What foods provide you with these essential amino acids?
Materials: DNA sequences from day one, Genetic Code chart; Essential Amino Acids Chart, Proteins needed in the diet: food groups pyramid
Day Four
Topic: What is disease?
Essential Questions: What is disease? What is the role of the environment in disease? How do pathogens cause disease? Do diseases change over time? Is the risk from environmental pathogens (microbes) the same in for all people in all societies?
Objective: To describe the four types of pathogens: to differentiate between bacteria and viruses. To analyze the effect of the environment on the prevalence and virulence of pathogens.
Standards: CCSS.ELA-Literacy. RST.11-12.9 and NGSS: HS-LS 4.4
Strategies: A central theme in this unit is that our health is determined by our genotype and its interaction with the external environment. The first three classes of this unit have explored internal processes that depend on our genotype. This class begins the analysis of the ways in which the external environment affects health.
To begin the lesson the class will answer the day’s essential question and define disease from their perspective. Additional focus questions are listed in the discussion guide in Appendix B. (This will be a collaborative discussion format in which groups will determine their responses to essential questions, and then take turns presenting their opinions to the class. Each member of the group will take turns as presenter. The class recorder will take notes that will be used as part of the reflective summary. This will be the discussion format throughout the unit). Once we have completed the discussion, we list the diseases that are most virulent now, those that are emerging, and those that are no longer a threat to our world. To complete the day’s work, the class will view the video from the NIH titled, “Infectious Diseases Then and Now”: available at: https://science.education.nih.gov/supplements/nih1/Diseases/activities/activity1.html
Students will complete a video viewing guide, which they will use to review their responses to the discussion questions.
Direct Instruction: There will be no direct instruction as this day’s activities are predominantly student based. The teacher’s role is that of facilitator and participant.
Classroom Activity: Group discussion and video viewing. Answers to both discussion guide questions will be recorded in health journal; class will write a paragraph that summarizes the day’s two question sets.
EXTENSION: Research one of the day’s diseases. Historical time, cause (pathogen), clinical effects, treatment, geographical location, and
Materials: Disease discussion questions, video viewing guide, and access to NIH video.
Day Five
Topic: Microbial Pathogens
Essential Questions: What is the difference between bacteria and viruses?
Objective: To differentiate between viruses, bacteria, and other microbes. To analyze how viruses replicate inside hosts. To describe how microbial pathogens cause disease in hosts.
Standards: CCSS.ELA-Literacy. RST.11-12.9 and NGSS: HS-LS 4.4
Strategies: Pathogens in the environment cause disease when they are able to bypass the immune systems, compromise bodily systems, and damage or kill cells. Bacteria and other microbes are able to reproduce and infect hosts directly. Viruses need to exploit the host’s cellular mechanisms in order to reproduce and affect disease. We will first study these two major sources of disease. We will study other pathogens (prions, protozoa, and fungi) in our independent study of water borne microbes. The class will begin with an analysis of diseases discussed during the previous lesson (and those from the extension homework). We will note which diseases bacteria cause and which viruses cause. We will then engage in a modeling activity that compares / contrasts the ways in which bacteria and viruses reproduce and infect hosts.
Direct Instruction: Bacteria are prokaryotic cells that are able to reproduce inside a host, while viruses are obligate pathogens that require a host cell’s reproductive mechanism. I will show a brief animation that reviews the mechanism of viral infections. Once the review is complete, the class will begin to set up the Bacterial Lab.
Classroom Activity: Review of mechanism of viral infection. Day 1 of Bacterial Lab: setting materials, making solution, preparing agar plates.
EXTENSION: Complete Pre-Lab analysis questions
Materials: Agar plate, culture of P.fluorescens, nutrient broth, nutrient broth with kanamycin, and Agar plate with kanamycin: sufficient material for 16 pairs of students.
Lab instructions located in Appendix A
Day Six
Topic: Bacterial Lab Day 2
Essential Questions: What are the dangers in the excessive use of antibiotics? How do bacteria become resistant to antibiotics? What is the importance of genetic variability in natural selection?
Objective: To explore the manner in which bacteria develop resistance to antibiotics.
Standards: CCSS.ELA-Literacy. RST.11-12.9 and NGSS: HS-LS 1-1
Strategies: The class will engage in a laboratory activity that demonstrates how bacteria develop resistance to antibiotics. Strains of the bacterium Pseudomonas fluorescens from will be cultured in differing environments. One sample will be mixed with a nutrient broth containing kanamycin: and cultured on agar plates containing the antibiotic. A second sample will not be in contact with the antibiotic. The first set of 2 plates will be cultured for 3 days; a second set of four plates will be cultured for an additional 3 days. The class will note the growth of bacteria on each set of plates. Each pair of students will be responsible for answering post lab questions. Included in the post lab analysis are three writing prompts that question the overuse of antibiotics and antibacterial products in our society.
Direct Instruction: I will distribute lab procedures to each pair of students, and make certain all supplies are available.
Classroom Activity: Lab procedure is located in Appendix B.
Materials: Agar plates, and Agar plates with kanamycin, culture of P.fluorescens, nutrient broth, nutrient broth with kanamycin: sufficient material for 16 pairs of students.
Day Seven
Topic: The Innate Immune System
Essential Questions: How does our body protect against pathogenic invasion? What is the difference between the innate and the adaptive immune response?
Objective: To differentiate the innate and the adaptive immune response. To describe the processes of innate immune response.
Standards: CCSS.ELA-Literacy. RST.11-12.9 and NGSS: MS-LS1-3 & HS-LS 4-4
Strategies: Following the study of the ways in which pathogens cause diseases,
The class will explore the bodily systems and structures that protect us from diseases. We will first look at the structures and mechanisms of the innate immune system, then focus on the different cells and systems of the adaptive immune system. We will study the innate immune system through direct instruction, modeling activities, and video presentations.
Direct Instruction: I will compare and contrast the two immune responses: with an emphasis on the cells, and components of the innate response.
Classroom Activity: The class will view an animation that compares the physical and cellular components of the innate system and adaptive immune responses. They will be also view an animation of that shows the innate system (neutrophils) responding to a microbe. The class will then be given a scenario in which a pathogen breaks through the epithelium. They will have to describe how each component of the innate system responds to the invading microbe.
EXTENSION: Why does your skin get red and swollen when an infection occurs?
Materials: Immune system animation located at: http://media.hhmi.org/biointeractive/click/immunology_primer/01.html:
Innate system video located at: http://www.niaid.nih.gov/topics/immunesystem/Pages/immuneCells.aspx
Immune Response scenario sheet.
Day Eight
Topic: The Adaptive Immune System
Essential Questions: How does the adaptive immune system remember and recognize antigens? How do we acquire immunity through vaccines? Why are vaccines important in a complex society?
Objective: To explain how acquired immunity develops. To evaluate the merits of vaccination
Standards: CCSS.ELA-Literacy. RST.11-12.9 and NGSS: MS-LS1-3 & HS-LS 4-4
Strategies: Our analysis of the adaptive immune system will require modeling of how the body creates antibodies for specific antigens, how antigens are recognized, and cleared from the body. An essential part of this discussion will be devoted to the ways in which immunizations work, and why they are important in large interactive society. This will offer us the first opportunity to engage in a critical debate as to the reasons for and against vaccination: (there are likely some students in our school community who refuse these technologies). A summary essay that explains the manner in which adaptive immunity arises will form part of the critical essay that explains why immunizations are necessary:
Direct Instruction: I will review the functions of cells of this system through the interactive video titled, “Cells of the adaptive immune system.” The video explains how adaptive immunity develops and how B cells are able to remember antigens.
Classroom Activity: Students will view the video presentation.
EXTENSION: Read the articles: What are vaccines and How Vaccines Work: Explain how the adaptive immune system helps to create immunity.
Materials: Immune system animation located at: http://www.hhmi.org/biointeractive/cells-immune-system
Vaccine articles located at: http://www.niaid.nih.gov/topics/vaccines/understanding/Pages/whatVaccine.aspx
Day Nine
Topic: Bacteria Lab Day 3
Essential Questions: What are the dangers in the excessive use of antibiotics? How do bacteria become resistant to antibiotics? What changes occurred in their genomes?
Objective: To explore the manner in which bacteria develop resistance to antibiotics
Standards: CCSS.ELA-Literacy. RST.11-12.9 and NGSS: HS-LS 1-1
Strategies: The class will analyze the differing colonies on their agar plates. Results should show that bacteria grown in contact with the karamycin are resistant to it, while those not in contact with the antibiotic have failed to thrive.
Direct Instruction: Inspection of the agar plates will provide an opportunity to discuss how and why the bacterial have become resistant to the karamycin. I will review the concepts of mutation in response to environmental factor. I will discuss the bacteria’s ability to alter their genome and relate this to the ways in which other pathogens antigenic variation to evade our immune response.
Classroom Activity: Inspection of agar plates, measuring colony growth, and answering post lab questions.
EXTENSION: Explain why too many antibiotics are not good for you? Explain why you should always complete the entire dose of antibiotics your doctor prescribes. How does the bacteria’s ability to alter its genome explain why it is difficult to develop vaccines that protect against viruses like the flu or HIV?
Materials: Post lab conclusion questions located in Appendix A.
Day Ten – Eleven
Topic: Cancerous Tumors
Essential Questions: How do cancerous cells proliferate? What are the effects of the various types of oncogenes?
Objective: To differentiate between proto-oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes and explain how mutations in these genes foster cancerous tumors.
Standards: CCSS.ELA-Literacy. RST.11-12.9 and NGSS: HS-LS 1-1
Strategies: Cancerous tumors result from the uncontrolled proliferation of cells. This lesson explores the manner in which beneficent genes mutate into cancer causing agents. Students will differentiate and categorize the genes that foster cancerous tumors.
Direct Instruction: Proto-oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes serve important function in normal cell functions. Mutations in these genes result in the formation of cancerous cells that go on to form cancerous tumors. There are approximately 140 known mutations (~ 60 oncogenes; ~ 80 tumor suppressor genes) that cause cancer. The mutations affect three broad types of cellular functions: cell growth and survival, genome maintenance (proofreading DNA replication), and processes of cell differentiation. Alteration of any of these processes leads to the accumulation of mutations that eventually cause cancer. This lesson focuses on the ways in which these mutations alter normal cell reproduction.
Classroom Activity: This lesson begins with a viewing of a brief video: Cancer as a Genetic Disease” by Dr. Charles Sawyer, which surveys research on the number and type of cancer causing genes. The class will complete a video viewing guide. Once the video is complete students will view a listing of oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes. Each student will select two genes of their choice to investigate. Using either the Genetics Home Reference or the HGNC websites they will then list the chromosomal location, type of gene, how it fosters malignancy and the cancers associated with the mutated gene.
EXTENSION: To complete this lesson, the class will view excerpts from the film Erin Brockovich, which chronicles the effects of carcinogens in water (hexavalent chromium) on the health of families living near industrial sites. The film provides a link between the two parts of this unit as it explores the difficulties that arise when attempting to prove a causal link between environmental pollution and human health.
Materials: Cancer as a Genetic Disease” video from the HHMI website: available at:
http://bcove.me/jcxt7l7l. Cancer as a Genetic Disease video viewing guide located in Appendix A
Genetics Home Reference website: http://ghr.nlm.nih.gov/
HUGO Gene Nomenclature Committee website: http://www.genenames.org/
Erin Brockovich film available on Netflix
Phase Two: Critical Analysis of Global Health Data
The analysis of the Global Burden of Disease data begins the second phase of this unit, which considers how cultural, socioeconomic, and political factors influence health. Statistics on mortality rates worldwide are systematically organized and analyzed through several reports from the WHO (World Health Organization). The main source of data for this phase of the unit will be the WHO 2015 World Health Summary and its compendium of health statistics (WHOa). This latest report archives health statistics from the organization’s 194 member states. These reports assemble data of the causes of death, due to a variety of diseases (global disease burden), per year and by country.
Two additional data sources will be Global and Regional Mortality from 235 Causes of Death by (Lozana, Naghavi and Foreman), which gathers data of mortality rates over the last 20 years for 187 countries worldwide, and the States of Global Health report by Sepulveda and Murray.
It is important to note that data collection is problematic as not all countries have effective systems of collecting and reporting morbidity data. Thus there is a more certain understanding of health / morbidity statistics in developed countries than there is for developing nations. The data in these articles (and in all subsequent data sets) depicts only relationships between demographic variables. The class will have to first determine if a relationship exists thence propose arguments that explain their observations. The work of these lessons will be to find evidence to support their arguments. In some cases I will provide evidence through direct instruction, through web-quests, or through directed reading. During the latter days of this phase students will be allowed to engage in independent research of given topics. Each of the following lessons will require from 1-3 days to complete.
Day Twelve –Thirteen
Topic: Global Life Expectancy
Essential Questions: Is life expectancy the same throughout the world? What factors affect life expectancy? How do gender, economic condition, and age affect mortality?
Objective: To explore how life expectancy varies with degree of economic development, gender and age.
Standards: CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RST.9-10.1 & CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RST.11-12.8
Strategies: Data from the WHO Global Health Observatory (GHO) provides statistical analysis of a variety of health indicators. The class will first examine statistics (presented as interactive graphs) on adult mortality rates. Each of the graphs disaggregates the data by gender, country, and WHO region. The class will evaluate the data as it varies with these variables. The class will also analyze data on Infant mortality and maternal mortality rates. The goal of this lesson is to discover the relationship between economic status, gender, age, and life expectancy.
Direct Instruction: I will show students how to navigate the WHO website so that they can easily access and manipulate the various graphs and data sets. Each graph provides filters that allow one to reorganize the data by gender, country, region, and degree of economic development. I will provide each group a series of analysis questions that will serve as a guide as they explore the data.
Classroom Activity: The class will access data sets using laptop computers. The interactive nature of the graphs allows students to scroll over countries to compare data. They can also filter the graphs by gender, region, country, and degree of economic development. The class will have to determine the relationship that exists in the data and propose an explanation as to why life expectancy varies with these variables.
Materials: Graphs: Life expectancy at birth
Maternal mortality rates:
Infant mortality rates:
Day Fourteen - Day Fifteen
Topic: Global Burden of Disease
Essential Questions: Why is there a difference in the global burdens of disease statistics? Why are communicable diseases the leading cause of mortality in developing countries? Why are there higher incidences of non-communicable diseases in developed countries?
Objective: To analyze global burden of disease data in developing and developed countries.
Standards: CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RST.9-10.1 & CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RST.11-12.8
Strategies: To further understand global health, the class will explore the causes of mortality throughout the world. While there are many distinct causes of death, analysis categorize them into three categories: communicable / non-communicable diseases and injuries. This lesson will once again use data from the WHO repository, which presents age standardized mortality rates in the three categories mentioned above. The class will first examine these graphs to determine if which causes are more prevalent in given regions or countries. The class will also examine statistics from the Global Burden of Disease, article that provides a more detailed examination of the diseases in the three categories.
Direct Instruction: I will review the mortality data from the previous class and explain the difference between the three descriptors used to categorize the causes of mortality.
(Lozana, Naghavi and Foreman)
Classroom Activity: The class will explore the WHO data: Age standardized mortality rates and explore the relationship between the three causes of death and regions / countries (and degree of economic development).
EXTENSION: What kind of communicable diseases are more prevalent in developing countries? What role does the environment (water treatment facilities) play in the transmission of communicable diseases?
Materials: WHO graph: Age standardized mortality rates at:
Global Deaths for 235 Causes data from: Global Burden of Disease (Lozana, Naghavi and Foreman)
Day Sixteen - Day Seventeen
Topic: Water Quality, Sanitation, and Hygiene
Essential Questions: Why are communicable diseases so prevalent in developing nations? How do sanitation, hygiene, and water quality affect health? What environmental factors contribute to poor water quality
Objective: To evaluate the effect that sanitation, hygiene, and water quality have health
Standards: CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RST.9-10.1 & CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RST.11-12.8
Strategies: Selective Infectious Diseases: The analysis of this data set will reference the water borne pathogens studied during the first phase of this unit. Given that infectious diseases are more prevalent in developing nations, we will have the opportunity to discuss why wastewater treatment, hygiene, and sanitation are so ineffective in developing nations.
Direct Instruction: I will review lessons from our environmental science curriculum on water pollution, and water treatment before the examination of the data. The class will also review notes from their exploration of water borne infectious diseases (day four of this unit). We will list the diseases that result from contaminated water sources.
Classroom Activity: The class will then analyze data from the WHO website on the effects of inadequate sanitation, hygiene, and water quality on health in low and middle-income countries. The interactive graphs present the data by country and region in terms of Disability Adjusted Life Years and Mortality. Before completing our analysis, I will show the class a brief video on water quality in developing nations. The video examines the effects that poor water quality has on the lives of poor residents in developing nations, and suggests actions that should be taken to provide clean water to all citizens. The class will complete a video viewing guide as part of the lesson.
EXTENSION: The video mentions the Millennium Goals for Public Health. What are these goals? How have they affected the state of global health in the past 15 years?
Materials: PHE: water, sanitation, and hygiene graph at:
You tube Video: at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3JY8MFTXrM.
Day Eighteen: End of Unit
Topic: The State of Global Health
Essential Questions: How has global health changed since the establishment of the millennium goals? Is the world doing all that it can do to improve the health of children, women, and other vulnerable populations?
Objective: To propose responsible action that protects the environment and our health.
Standards: CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RST.9-10.1 & CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RST.11-12.8
Strategies: At this point students should be aware of the ways in which environmental factors affect health in our nation and throughout the developing world. The first question that we should address is what is our responsibility to the nations with limited resources and poor health. We will explore the Millennium Goals outlined in the WHO report. The eight goals were established in 2000 by the United Nations. The class will review the progress (and setbacks) that has occurred in the ensuing 15 years.
Classroom Activity This class will be a collaborative discussion. Each of the four student groups will address two goals. They will list the criteria for each goal, the progress that has occurred, and what obstacles exist. The class will engage in a discussion on the state of global health once each group has completed their evaluation
EXTENSION: Write a reflective essay that summarizes what you have learned about global health. The essay may address issues of health in developing nations, or issues of health in this country.
Materials: WHO Millennium Goals at: http://www.who.int/topics/millennium_development_goals/en/