Physiological Determinants of Global Health


  1. Unit Guide
  1. Content Objectives
  2. Teaching Strategies
  3. Classroom Activities
  4. Notes
  5. Resources for Students and Teachers
  6. Appendix A: Implementing District Standards

Recombinant DNA Technology and Global Health

Tarie Pace

Published September 2015

Tools for this Unit:

Teaching Strategies

Our curriculum for Science Standards of Learning heavily emphasizes the scientific method. Our framework for lessons explicitly states that the scientific method should be used in all third grade level content. My first strategy will focus on modeling the scientific method. It is important to use a scaffolding approach. Most of my students are English Language Learners, and providing a framework for sheltered instruction allows them to take risks. It also provides them with assistance if needed. The lessons will involve simple experiments that will be modeled by me. Next, the experiments will involve collaboration. This will provide students with the opportunity for input. Students will see how hypotheses have to be tested and proven during the experiments. After several collaborative experiments, the students will conduct experiments on their own. Gradually releasing control during experiments will provide students with structural support and independent tasks. I want students to understand that mistakes can be made during the process, and how they can use their problem solving abilities to resolve issues.  The collaborative aspect will also keep the students engaged. As the experiments progress, students will write out and document the steps of the scientific method. This will promote critical thinking among them, and provide them with opportunities to formulate their own opinions.  Generating and testing hypotheses requires students to bridge their background knowledge to new content. I will also ask students to clarify and explain their hypotheses and their conclusions. This will help students see why scientists have to prove and support their findings.

I will also use the strategy of setting objectives and providing feedback. When clearly defined, standards-based objectives are presented, the instruction can be tailored. This strategy is beneficial because it narrows the content focus. It is also helpful in teaching students how to concentrate on the most important skills. This strategy will be used in the form of entrance and exit slips to gauge students’ comprehension. I will also use the think/pair/share format, and the “Take Your Corners” activity for peer interaction. These informal assessments will be used to collect snapshot data of students’ progress during the unit. The inclusion of this strategy will also provide students opportunities for reflection.

Finally, I will use the strategy of identifying similarities and differences. This will be essential due to the complexities of explaining terms such as DNA, GMO, and rDNA technology. I will help students build understanding of these terms by focusing on their similarities and differences. We will also classify the terms by using key attributes. I will provide students with interactive charts, sentence strips, and pictures of the terms to help students compare and contrast them. This strategy will aid students during the unit’s experiments. I will provide visuals of the steps of the task to aid students’ comprehension.


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