"7 Million Premature Deaths Annually Linked to Air Pollution." WHO. Accessed July 30, 2015.
"Air Quality." Environmental Performance Index. Accessed July 30, 2015. Web source for finding various air quality levels throughout the world.
"America's Dirtiest City." Forbes. Accessed July 5, 2015. A web article describing the top most air polluted cities in the America. Useful for background information for this unit.
"An Introduction to Critical Reading: Deep Reading Strategies ..." Accessed July 28, 2015. This is one of the many strategies that can be found in the website. The sources ranges from elementary strategies to higher education.
Burns, Jacob, Hanna Boogaard, Ruth Turley, Lisa M Pfadenhauer, Annemoon M Van Erp, Anke C Rohwer, and Eva Rehfuess. "Interventions to Reduce Ambient Particulate Matter Air Pollution and Their Effect on Health." Protocols Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 1996.
Callahan-Lyon, P. "Electronic Cigarettes: Human Health Effects." Tobacco Control, 2014, Ii36-i40. Journal article that provides an overview of human health effects.
Czogala, J., M. L. Goniewicz, B. Fidelus, W. Zielinska-Danch, M. J. Travers, and A. Sobczak. "Secondhand Exposure to Vapors From Electronic Cigarettes." Nicotine & Tobacco Research, 2013, 655-62.
"Ed-Data." Website. Accessed July 12, 2015. Useful web source for school facts and demographics.
"Electronic Cigarettes: Fact and Faction." Electronic Cigarettes: Fact and Faction. Accessed July 6, 2015. Brief web article that might be useful for an introduction to the topic of electronic cigarettes.
Grana, R., N. Benowitz, and S. A. Glantz. "E-Cigarettes: A Scientific Review." Circulation, 2014, 1972-986. Broad article covering multiple research centered around electronic cigarette background, use, and health effects.
"Heavily Polluted India Launches National Air Quality Index." Reuters. October 17, 2014. Accessed July 11, 2015.
"Household Air Pollution and Health." WHO. Accessed July 8, 2015. Overview of the global impacts of air pollution worldwide including diseases caused by indoor air pollution.
"Homepage - American Lung Association." Homepage - American Lung Association. Accessed July 10, 2015.
"Incentivizing Your Class: The Engagement-Based Classroom Management Model." Edutopia. Accessed July 28, 2015.
"Indoor Air Quality." Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. May 19, 2014. Accessed June 13, 2015.
Kalra, Aditya. "Heavily Polluted India Launches National Air Quality Index." Reuters India. October 17, 2014. Accessed July 13, 2015.
Kanervisto, Merja, Tuula Vasankari, Tarja Laitinen, Markku Heliövaara, Pekka Jousilahti, and Seppo Saarelainen. "Low Socioeconomic Status Is Associated with Chronic Obstructive Airway Diseases." Respiratory Medicine: 1140-146. Journal article describing the relationship between socioeconomic status and respiratory health.
Kumar, Vinay. Robbins and Cotran Pathologic Basis of Disease. 7th & 8th ed. Philadelphia: Elsevier Saunders, 2005. This source is a comprehensive source for anatomy, physiology and disease.
"Measuring Lung Capacity." Measuring Lung Capacity. Accessed July 27, 2015. Lab
activity that includes using balloons for measuring different lung capacities.
Available as a web source. It can be adopted for multiple levels of science.
"Mt. Pleasant High School." EdData. Accessed June 12, 2015.
National Asthma Education and Prevention Program, and Third Expert Panel on The Diagnosis and Management of Asthma. "National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (US)." Section 2, Definition, Pathophysiology and Pathogenesis of Asthma, and Natural History of Asthma. Accessed July 8, 2015.
"Next Generation Science Standards." Accessed July 30, 2015. The NGSS standards are not complete as of 2015, official roll-out of the standards is expected by 2015. However, the central themes and practices are already available.
"Pneumoconiosis." Pneumoconiosis RSS. Accessed July 14, 2015.
"Program for the Human Environment." CASE STUDY: Comparing Apples and Supercomputers: Evaluating Environmental Risk in Silicon Valley. Accessed June 14, 2015. A history of San Jose and how the rise of the Silicon Valley changed and impacted the environment. Useful for teaching the impact of Bay Area industrialization.
"QR Stuff." QR Stuff. Accessed July 29, 2015. Available on the web. Free source for making QR codes into jpeg images that can be incorporated into any document.
Saltzman, W. Mark. Biomedical Engineering, Cambridge University Press, 2015. Source for a physiology background and undergraduate level biomedical engineering.
Shier, David, and Jackie Butler. Hole's Essentials of Human Anatomy and Physiology. 8th ed. Boston: McGraw-Hill, 2006. This textbook is a source for high school level anatomy and physiology but lacks the depth of the Robbins and Cotran text or the Saltzman, Biomedical Engineering textbook
"The Global Asthma Report 2014." The Global Asthma Report 2014. Accessed July 8, 2015.
"The Instruction of Dua-Khety." Instructions of Dua-Khety. Accessed May 19, 2015. Web source on Egyptian writings on occupational diseases.
"Using Webb's Depth of Knowledge to Increase Rigor." Edutopia. Accessed July 23, 2015. Background for teachers wanting to incorporate Webb’s strategies for increasing rigor in the classroom.
West, R., and J. Brown. "Electronic Cigarettes: Fact and Faction." British Journal of General Practice, 2014, 442-43. Journal article that provides the science behind e-cigarettes. This was a good source for background information.
"What to Know About the Science of E-Cigarettes." Time. Accessed July 5, 2015.
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