Why Literature Matters


  1. Unit Guide
  1. Introduction
  2. Rationale
  3. Demographics
  4. Content
  5. Objectives
  6. Essential Questions and Enduring Understandings For Students
  7. Strategies
  8. Activities
  9. Endnotes
  10. Annotated Bibliography

Connecting it All: How Connecting Students to a Text Increases Motivation to Read

Carla Jones

Published September 2016

Tools for this Unit:

Essential Questions and Enduring Understandings For Students

1. How does an individual overcome dismal beginnings to become successful?

An individual has determined goals and steps to monitor the progress of accomplishing the goals. Students must know how their goals can make their life better, not only for themselves but also for others.  The more people that who are impacted by your goals, in a positive way, the better the goal.

2. What does my family story say about the resilience of my family?

It is important to know what your family has overcome to show the history and perseverance of your family.  Your family has strong ties; if they weren’t strong, you wouldn’t be here.  Be proud of where your family has come from and what they have overcome because your story will show you some of what lies inside of you.

3. Why are goals important?

Goals help an individual have direction in life.  With proper direction, an individual can know the people and organizations to associate with in order to accomplish his or her goals. To have an even greater impact, goals should include the benefit of others. 


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