"Over the Rainbow": Fantasy Lands, Dream Worlds, and Magic Kingdoms


  1. Unit Guide
  1. Introduction
  2. Rationale
  3. Objective
  4. Background
  5. Emergence
  6. White Shell Woman
  7. Twins Journey to their Father
  8. Killing the Monsters
  9. Strategies
  10. Classroom Activities
  11. Appendix
  12. Teacher Resources
  13. Bibliography

Journey to the Sun: Reclaiming Imagination and Self-Esteem through Culture and History

Tiffany Tracy

Published September 2016

Tools for this Unit:


It is an extremely difficult task to provide stories that have to include the events leading up to the climax without spending too much time doing so. In writing, there is a specific formula to follow, you begin with the exposure of the tale, you hit the inciting incident, and rising events follow suit. You reach the climax, then steadily roll down with falling action, and gently roll out with denouement, and you’ve reached the end, we all live happily ever after. This unit should focus on the journey of the Twin Warriors, and introduce, or reacquaint our children with an adventure in which they can escape. Imagination is something that should be cherished, and with stories so vibrant it would be wrong of me to introduce a unit of epic journeys that place the reader in the subjunctive through tales of insect people, holes in the sky that lead to new worlds (perhaps more real in the sciences), and a stolen Water Monster baby. Here, Freytag’s pyramid is pushed to the side, and instead we climb the plateaus of suspended disbelief. The story wants you to hear what sounds unlikely, but is regarded as a real history to the people who created, and have retold it for centuries. With this in mind, I have included a shortened version of the events leading to the unit foci for the sake of the instructor. These tales could be utilized, and spent more time on, and it is up to the instructor to make that decision, but the main event is the Journey to the Sun and the monster battles, and in this case, the emergence summary is the exposition of this dream-like epic.


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