Making Sense of Evolution


  1. Unit Guide
  1. Introduction
  2. School Environment
  3. Rationale
  4. Background
  5. Strategies
  6. Activities
  7. Supplemental Teacher Ancillaries
  8. Appendix: Alignment to Educational Standards
  9. Notes
  10. Annotated Bibliography

Silent Witnesses: Hexapod Helpers in Crime Scene Investigation

Jennifer Claudio

Published September 2016

Tools for this Unit:

Supplemental Teacher Ancillaries

Text Rendering

This is a method to help students extract key information quickly, especially if the reading level of the article is above a student’s typical practice.

  1. Copy the title of the article.
  2. Who is the author of the article?
  3. What is the source of the article? (E.g. Website, textbook, magazine, etc. and state it specifically)
  4. When (what year) was this article published?
  5. In a three-column table, copy all people (names, professions), places (locations, institutes, countries, etc.), and numbers with units (dates, years, quantities, etc.)
  6. Copy the most important word in the article.
  7. Copy the most important phrase in the article.
  8. Copy the most important sentence in the article.
  9. Explain why you chose those combinations as your “most importants”.
  10. Draw a picture that demonstrates the meaning of the article.

Quad Notes

This is an adaptable and transferrable method of taking notes when watching a video. It reduces the need for a teacher to generate a guided question set for students each time a video is shown.

Fold a blank paper into quarters. Label each of the quadrants as follows: 1. Key Terms related to the unit; 2. Names, Numbers, Places (for the same style as in the Text Rendering); 3. Questions regarding the video content; and 4. Drawing. As the video is shown, student should populate each of the quadrants with at least 7 – 10 entries. This may be modified depending on student ability levels.


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