Teacher resources
Comicsforbeginners.com is a site with free templates for formats and character types. It has several helpful videos and other tools for all stages of comics creation.
Scott McCloud’s website, scottmccoud.com, has links to key information on all three books in this bibliography. It contains graphics that might be helpful in teaching terms and concepts to a class. All three books, Understanding Comics, Reinventing Comics, and Making Comics are essential to one starting to learn about reading and teaching comics.
TED Talk by Scott McCloud entitled The Visual Magic of Comics has McCloud explaining the picture plane or Big Triangle. It begins just after 7:45 minutes in.
Various graphic organizers online. These are easy to find. One I found particularly rich and helpful is Kym Francis’s Getting Graphic.28 It contains graphic novel lists, a resource list to great online interactive sites, background and scholarship.
The March Trilogy, as explained throughout the unit. Book 2 contains the original draft of John Lewis’s speech from the 1963 March on Washington.