The Illustrated Page: Medieval Manuscripts to New Media


  1. Unit Guide
  1. Introduction
  2. Rationale
  3. Classroom Context
  4. Unit Objectives
  5. Virginia Standards of Learning (SOLs)
  6. Virginia Standards of Learning for Foreign Languages - Spanish I and II
  7. Strategies
  8. Overview
  9. Mexican Muralism Movement Founders – Biographical Information
  10. The Mexican Muralism Movement Objectives
  11. The Richmond Mural Project
  12. Muralists in Richmond
  13. Activities
  14. Student Produced Work
  15. Works Cited
  16. Resources for Teachers and Students

In Their Own Images

Yolanda Bezares-Chavez

Published September 2017

Tools for this Unit:

Virginia Standards of Learning for Foreign Languages - Spanish I and II

SI.7 Cultural Perspectives, Practices, and Products

Making Connections through Language

SI.9  The student will connect information about the Spanish language and Spanish-speaking culture(s) with concepts studied in other subject areas.

Linguistic and Cultural Comparisons

SI.11   The student will demonstrate understanding of the significance of culture through comparisons between Spanish-speaking cultures and those of the United States.

Cultural Perspectives, Practices, and Products

SII.7  The student will demonstrate understanding of the perspectives, practices, and products of Spanish-speaking cultures and the ways these cultural aspects are interrelated.

Making Connections through Language

SII.8  The student will use information acquired in the study of Spanish and information acquired in other subject areas to reinforce one another.

Linguistic and Cultural Comparisons

SII.10  The student will demonstrate understanding of cultural similarities and differences between the Spanish-speaking cultures studied and the United States.


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