Teacher Resources
A Note on the Usage of the Terms Legends and Myths
The Native American folktales were a part of an oral tradition that was passed down as songs, dances, art, legends, and myths. These traditions and cultures have often been misrepresented by the media and popular culture.42 The phrase “myths and legends” conjoins two types of folktales that are often separated in European culture. In a discussion with Jeff Berglund, Professor of English and American Indian Literature in Northern Arizona University, I learned, “Legends and myths are frequently used by outsiders to cultures. [I tell my students that they] should only use such terms if they’re comfortable using them about all faith traditions, including their own. Cultural accounts, traditional accounts, creation narratives or stories, tribal/Ohlone stories or narratives, all might serve as solid replacements. Myth and legend have an aura of fiction or fabrication.”43 To avoid the risk of implying these stories are fictions, I will use the word stories or folktales instead of legends or myths.