Food Preservation: From Edible School Garden to Science Table
James Churilla
Published September 2017
- Asante, Molefi Kete. “Afrocentric Curriculum.” 28
- Ibid. 31
- Ladson-Billings, Gloria. The Dream-Keepers: Successful Teachers of African American
Children. 19
- Ibid. 20
- McGee, Harold. On Food and Cooking: The Science and Lore of the Kitchen. 26
- Ibid. 27
- “Food Safety.”.
- Ibid
- “Handwashing: Clean Hands Save Lives.”
- Ibid
- Greene, Janet, Hertzberg, Ruth, and Vaughan, Beatrice. Putting Food By. 25
- “Foodborne Pathogens”
- “”
- McGee, Harold. On Food and Cooking: The Science and Lore of the Kitchen. 291
- Ibid
- Shepard, Sue. Pickled, Potted, and Canned: How the Art and Science of Food Preserving
Changed the World. 125
- Ibid
- “Sauerkraut: Bacteria Making Food.”
- “Make Sauerkraut: Fermented Foods for Health.”
- McGee, Harold. On Food and Cooking: The Science and Lore of the Kitchen. 269
- McGee, Harold. On Food and Cooking: The Science and Lore of the Kitchen. 296
- “Fresh Preserving, Shop Ball Mason Jars and Home Canning.”
- Addi. “Anatomy of a Canning Jar.”
- Appert, Nicolas. The Art of Preserving: All Kinds of Animal and Vegetable Substances for
Several Years. 9-10