The Scale of the Universe 2. Accessed August 04, 2017.
A beautifully animated website, powers of ten are visually demonstrated through zooming in and out, from string level to the universe.
"Academic Standards for Science and Technology and ..." Accessed August 4, 2017.,5062.1.
Allen, Terence, and Graham Cowling. The Cell: a Very Short Introduction. Oxford: OUP Oxford, 2011.
This slim volume thoroughly details all aspects of cells, their component parts, and mechanisms.
"American Chemical Society." American Chemical Society. Accessed August 04, 2017.
Crick, Francis. Of molecules and men. Amherst, NY: Prometheus Books, 2004.
This investigation into the ordered complexity of living thing observes that, "not all highly ordered, complex objects are biological, but those that aren't are man-made." Minimum requirements for and historical origins of life are explored. Biotonic phenomena are outlined. The development of cells, their components, and processes are described.
Framework for K-12 Science Education. Natl Academy Pr, 2011.
The new "bible" for science educators, this text outlines detailed information of what scientific ideas children should learn at each grade level.
Karlen, Arno. Man and microbes: disease and plagues in history and modern times. New York ...: Simon & Schuster, 1996.
A fascinating read, "This book is about new plagues, survival, and the dance of adaptation we carry on with our microbial fellow travelers." The history and variety of microbial diseases are thoroughly and clearly analyzed.
"Kingdom Classification of Living Organism." Biology Discussion. August 27, 2015. Accessed August 04, 2017.
"Online Etymology Dictionary." Online Etymology Dictionary. Accessed August 04, 2017.
"PA.Gov." State Board of Education. Accessed August 04, 2017.
Phelan, Jay. What is life? a guide to biology. New York, NY: W H Freeman, 2015.
This beautifully illustrated biology textbook provides detailed, accessible and extensive information on the basic aspects of biological sciences.
Regis, Edward. What is life? investigating the nature of life in the age of synthetic biology. Oxford: Oxford Univ. Pr., 2009.
This reader-friendly texts reflects back on Schrödinger’s 1944 book of the same title. Regis comments on Schrödinger’s observations then extends and expands upon his work, adding scientific developments subsequent to that work.
Saltzman, W. Mark. Biomedical engineering: bridging medicine and technology. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2016.
This thorough and complex text provides detailed information on all aspects of biomedical engineering and its impact on human health
Schrödinger, Erwin. What is life? Cambridge U.P.: n.p., 1992. Print.
A seminal book based on a series of lectures first delivered in Ireland in 1943, the author endeavored to explain life purely in terms of physics and chemistry, investigating the quantum –mechanical explanations for life and the second law of thermodynamics. The text provide foundational evidence that was profound at the time of publication, however Schrödinger’s scientific credibility deteriorated with the 50th anniversary prologue in which he stated, “The only possible inference from these two facts is…that I—in the widest meaning of the word…--am the person who, if any, controls the ‘motion of the atoms.’…Hence I am God Almighty…”
Society, Microbiology. "Homepage." Homepage | Microbiology Society. Accessed August 04, 2017.