Teacher Resources
Aronilth Jr. Dr. Wilson. Diné Bi Bee Óhoo'aah Bá Silá: An Introduction to Navajo Philosophy, Center for Dine Studies, Navajo Community College, 1994.
Blofield, Robert. How to Make a Movie in 10 Easy Lessons: Learn how to write, direct, and edit you own film without a Hollywood budget (Super Skills), Walter Foster Jr. Spid Edition, 2015.
Brechtel, Marcia. Bringing It All Together Language and Literacy in the Multilingual Classroom, Dominie Press, 2001.
Downs, James E. The Navajo, Holt, Rinehart and Winston Inc. 1972.
Grabham, Tim. Hassan, Surid. Richards, Claire. Reeve, Davie. Movie Maker: The Ultimate Guide to Making Films, Candlewick Box, 2010.
Iverson, Peter. Dine: A History of the Navajo, University of New Mexico Press, 2002.
La Farge, Oliver. Laughing Boy, Houghton Mifflin Company, 1929.
Locke, Raymond Friday. Book of the Navajo, Mankind Publishing Company, 2015.
Morgan, William & Wall, Leon. Navajo-English Dictionary, Hippocrene Paperback Edition, 1994.
Naremore, James. Film Adaptation (Rutgers Depth of Field Series), Rutgers University Press, 2000.
River, Charles Editors. Native American Tribes: The History and Culture of the Navajo, Create Space Independent Publishing Platform, 2013.
Van Dyke, W. S. Biography, IMDb.com 1990-2018.
Van Dyke, W. S. director, Laughing Boy, Metro Goldwyn-Mayer, 1934.