Adaptation: Literature, Film and Society


  1. Unit Guide
  1. Introduction
  2. Content
  3. Strategies
  4. Classroom Activities
  5. Teacher Resources
  6. Endnotes
  7. Appendix

Adapting Culture from Book to Film: Laughing Boy

Jolene Rose Smith

Published September 2018

Tools for this Unit:


Arizona History Standards

Students will explore the historical concepts of exploration and colonization. They will know the various Native American tribes who have resided and reside throughout the North American continent. Along with learning about the native tribes, students will describe the ways European colonist adapted and used the environment. (S4.C5.PO1)

The student will identify how exchange helps the buyers and sellers as a method of trade in early North America. (S5.C1.PO3)

American History is essential for students to analyze our nation’s experience through time, to distinguish the relationships of events and people, and to interpret significant patterns, themes, ideas, beliefs, and turning points in Arizona and American history.  Students will apply the teachings of history to their lives as respectable citizens of the United States. (5.S1)

Students will examine topics or questions related to historical studies and current issues as historical research. By using primary and secondary sources effectively, students gain accurate and relevant information. They will be able to understand past events and to apply their analysis of cumulative events. (S5.C1)

Diné Government and History Curriculum Grades 4th-6th

Students will understand the connections between their own culture, sacred sites, and historical events. They will demonstrate their cultural knowledge shared with their family. (5.C2)

Students will understand the integrity of their culture, language, and values that are protected and sustained by the Diné. They will identify the teachings of Diné culture and history. (5.C4.PO2)

English Language Arts Standards

These standards are a brief overview of the skills a student will learn in fifth grade. Each rule is applied to increased focus as a progression to challenge students when comprehending texts and applying tasks.

Reading Standards for Literature

Students will independently and proficiently read grade-appropriate literature from a variety of genres then advance to a complex novel. While reading the works of literature, students will determine themes, author’s use of figurative language, a quote from the text, compare and contrast, analyze text structures and elements of literature.

Reading Standards for Informational Text

Students will read and analyze grade informational text from a variety of content areas: history/social studies, science, and technical documents. Then determine to mean from reading and to summarize informational text accurately and integrate information from a variety of books to learn different points of view.

Writing Standards

Students will write an opinion and critical pieces that include evidence to support ideas, transition words, precise vocabulary and a conclusion.

Students will write narratives that include a precise sequence of events, descriptive details, dialogue, and words that show a change in time. Then plan, draft, revise and edit to produce clear and coherent writing for the opinion, explanatory and narratives.

Speaking and Listening Standards

Students will collaborate in discussions while effectively speaking and listening to topics, ideas, facts, details, and multimedia. They will prepare for debate by reading and studying the required materials, and to paraphrase information from a wide range of sources.

Language Standards

Students will demonstrate mastery of grade level conventions (grammar, capitalization, punctuation, and spelling) and to construct paragraphs that include an introduction of the topic, supporting details, and conclusion. Also use knowledge of Greek and Latin prefixes, suffixes, and roots to determine the meaning of unknown words and meaning of idioms and figurative language.


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